Page 35 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 35





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         T         he role of insurers is changing from a risk transfer  market is underpenetrated and underserved. While lower

                   company to a risk prevention and management
                                                             in comparison to global average it is worth noting that
                   one. Insurance was always a push product. It was
                                                             India's insurance penetration in FY21 stood at a higher 4.2
                   not even a secondary, but a tertiary product. With
         digitisation, insurance is becoming a primary product and  percent as compared to 3.76 percent a year ago. A report
                                                             by Mordor Intelligence projects that the insurance market
         many of the start-ups have realised that insurance creates a  in India will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
         great pull for their business model. For insurance companies,  of 7 percent till 2025. The overall market size is currently at
         insurtechs is an extended way of creating a conceptual  around $250 billion, of which insurtech players form only 10
         promotion of their product. Customer engagement has been  percent. Out of the expected growth parameters insurtech
         one of the pain points for insurers, historically.  has to grab the lion's share of the new business.

         This is where technology is playing a critical role. Insurance  Customer service and the customer experience are becoming
         in India is seen as a white elephant by customers largely due  an important competitive differentiator in the insurance
         to experiences such as lack of transparency in plans,  industry. At least 30 percent of first-time insurance buyers
         difficulties in claim filings and minimal education within the  over the next few years will be the younger population in
         customer base on how to make these choices. When it  the age bracket of 16 to 21 years. They are digital natives
         comes to India's insurance industry, one is aware that the  and their buying experience and expectations around their
                                                             experience will be completely digital.  Insurtech aggregators
                                About the author             and brokers will grow five-fold over the next few years.
                                                             Back-end service providers and pure tech insurance service
                         Jagendra Kumar                      provider companies are likely to see year-on-year growth.
                         Ex. CEO,
                         Pearl Insurance Brokers             Motor insurance is set to rise this fiscal as post pandemic
                         Jaipur                              economic recovery gathers momentum. Motor insurance

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