Page 33 - Insurance Times March 2022
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listened to. Boards may have ignored them, but there is also
         a case to say that these people did not shout loud enough.”

         In the case of Carillion, the company’s non-executives were
         supposed to challenge boardroom strategy but were “unable
         to provide any remotely convincing evidence of their
         effective impact,” the MP report found. Professional services
         firms were also slammed for being unable to effectively
         identify to the board or persuade executives about the
         seriousness of the risks associated with their business
         practices. “The appearance of prominent advisors proves
         nothing other than the willingness of the board to throw
         money at a problem and the willingness of advisory firms to
         accept generous fees,” the report said.
                                                                 ways by which they could satisfy their consumers and
                                                                 service their operating environments to effectively
         4. Lack of Corporate Governance                         continue as going concerns.
         From the analysis, it is found that distress is mostly caused
                                                              Y  Another most important stakeholder the Regulator
         as a result of poor corporate governance. To stem distress
         and its debilitating effect, there is a need for the adoption  plays a big brother role in smooth continuity of a
                                                                 corporate business. Improvement required in Law
         of new audit framework which stresses on time limit of audit
         tenure with a client, forensic audit, retrospective audit  regulatory systems for a proper balance and checks.
         procedure, and auditor’s skepticism. This will ensure and  Y  However, one must understand no matter how strong
         yield effective corporate governance that can curve and  a regulatory system is, it cannot always prevent fraud.
         detect potential failure.                               There are limits to legislations as a lot depends on the
                                                                 integrity and ethical values of various corporate players.
         Satyam Computers is a good example of a big failure of  The key lies in management decisions and its
         corporate governance.                                   commitment to establish and follow rigorous systems.

         Remedies                                             Lessons
         Following remedies are few important steps to be taken in  In short, exceptional organizations are those that go beyond
         order to monitor and control the risks               detecting and analyzing failures and try to generate
         Y   Consistently rotating auditors is an excellent way to  intelligent ones for the express purpose of learning and
             ensure independence from management influence and  innovating. It’s not that managers in these organizations
             having an appropriate proportion of independent  enjoy failure. But they recognize it as a necessary by-
             directors—both on the board and internal audit   product of experimentation. They also realize that they don’t
             committees—will promote greater accountability and  have to do dramatic experiments with large budgets. Often
             bring fresh, diverse perspectives,” said Kurt Rothmann,  a small pilot, a dry run of a new technique, or a simulation
                                                              will suffice.
         Y   It is also important to have a whistleblowing policy in
             place empowering whistle blowers that creates a
                                                              The courage to confront our own and others’ imperfections
             comfortable environment for employees to
             anonymously report any suspicious behavior.      is crucial to solving the apparent contradiction of wanting
                                                              neither to discourage the reporting of problems nor to
         Y   Risk managers also need to share some responsibility  create an environment in which anything goes. This means
             for corporate collapses. “People in the profession can  that managers must ask employees to be brave and speak
             be more intent on putting processes in place for people  up—and must not respond by expressing anger or strong
             to follow than looking at whether the underlying  disapproval of what may at first appear to be incompetence.
             business is actually at risk,” Brown said.       More often than we realize, complex systems are at work

         Y   Corporate organizations have been advised to establish  behind organizational failures, and their lessons and
             research and development departments to continuously  improvement opportunities are lost when conversation is
             monitor their performance and to introduce effective  stifled.

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