Page 5 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 5

General Insurance


         Obligatory cession to GIC          financial year starting April 1, 2022, till  notice of underwriting information of
                                            March 31, 2023, except the terrorism  any cession exceeding an amount as
         Re cut to 4% from FY23             premium and premium ceded to       specified by the former. The ceding
         IRDAI has reduced the percentage of  Nuclear Pool, wherein it would be  insurer has to inform the GIC Re at all
         obligatory cession from the domestic  made 'nil'," the IRDAI said.    times whenever the cession exceeds
         general insurance industry for state-                                 such specified limits, IRDAI said.
         owned GIC Re to four per cent from  The entire obligatory cession has to be
                                            reinsured with GIC Re, IRDAI said.  The percentage of commission on
         five per cent.
                                            The reduction of just one per cent  obligatory cession for different classes
         Obligatory cession refers to the part of                              of business will  be: minimum five per
         the business that general insurance  obligatory cession would not make any  cent for motor third party and oil &
         companies have to mandatorily cede  difference to GIC Re as the overall  energy insurance, minimum 10 per
         to the national reinsurer GIC Re.  general industry pie is growing every  cent for group health insurance, mini-
                                            year. "Despite GIC Re having a man-
         The size of the Indian general insur-  datory obligatory cession, foreign  mum 7.50 per cent for crop insurance
         ance market was over Rs 2 lakh crore  reinsurers including Munich Re, Swiss  and average terms for aviation insur-
         in 2020-21. It has been growing at  Re, SCOR and Allianz have been grow-  ance, minimum 15 per cent for all
         over 15 per cent in recent years except  ing their market shares in India effi-  other classes of insurance business.
         for the last two years when it has  ciently," said an analyst.
         faced many challenges due to Covid-19                                 ICICI Lombard posts mar-
         pandemic and has grown within 10 per  To begin with, obligatory cession was
                                            10 per cent which was reduced to five ginal rise in net profit in
         cent single digit. The approximate size
         of the Indian reinsurance market is  per cent afterwards and the foreign  Q3
         around Rs 55,000 crore in FY2020-21.  reinsurers which are having branches  The country's largest private sector
                                            in India are demanding the total re-
         The new quantum of obligatory ces-  moval of the obligatory cession for GIC  general insurer, ICICI Lombard General
         sion, that will be effective from April  Re to create a level playing field in the  Insurance, has reported a marginal
         1, 2022 has been notified by the gov-  Indian reinsurance market.     1.28 per cent increase in net profit to
         ernment. Domestic general insurers                                    Rs 318 crore in the October-December
         will have to cede 4 per cent of their  There are currently 10 global  quarter (Q3FY22), missing street esti-
         premium to GIC Re on every general  reinsurers which have set up branch  mates. Analysts at Bloomberg had es-
         insurance policy they sell during next  operations in India for the last three  timated a net profit of Rs 402.50
         financial year.                    years.                             crore. Sequentially, the net profit was
                                                                               down 29 per cent.
         "The percentage cession of the sum  There would be no limit on sum insured
         insured on each general insurance  applicable for the cessions made dur-  It's gross direct premium income rose
         policy to be reinsured with the Indian  ing the period from April 1, 2022 to  16 per cent to Rs 4,699 crore in the
         reinsurer(s) shall be 4 per cent in re-  March 31, 2023. GIC Re may require  reporting quarter as against Rs 4,034
         spect of insurance attaching during the  the ceding insurer to give immediate  crore in the corresponding period of
                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2022    5
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