Page 7 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 7
to an increase in domestic production Airtel Payments Bank as this pioneer- for the same insured person then you
of airbags, resulting in a drop in prices. ing tie-up will assert the company's will get a 10 percent discount on the
He said fitting two airbags earlier used pledge to provide innovative new-age total premium. While these policies
to cost automakers about Rs. 12,000, risk solutions to our customers to pre- allow you to give them as a gift to in-
which has now declined to about Rs. vent cyber-attacks exploding in the era dividuals and their family which is their
3,000 for airbags. of digital transformation." spouse and two dependent children,
the age limit for dependent children is
ICICI Lombard partners Future Generali Launches up to 25 years old.
with Airtel Payments Bank Insurance Gifting Solution One can give these insurance policies
as a gift to your relatives and extended
to offer 'Cyber Insurance' Future Generali has launched two poli-
cies namely, those are Future family members too and can be used
to customers for charitable causes. Just make sure
Hospicash and Future Accident
Airtel Payments Bank has started offer- Suraksha with premiums starting from that the NGO, old age home, orphan-
ing Cyber Insurance in partnership Rs 501. These policies will require no ages, and other similar institutions are
with ICICI Lombard General Insurance medical examination of the insured. registered under Section 8 of the Com-
Company. panies Act, 2013 or under a central
"FG Gift of Health has several unique
The cyber insurance solution from ICICI features to ensure that the benefits of government/ state government data-
Lombard provides financial protection insurance can reach all segments of base or under any applicable law pre-
to customers against potential financial the society. Depending on the product vailing at that time.
fraud relating to banking, credit or chosen, the policy will cover incidental
debit card; identity theft; phishing or expenses during hospitalization by pro- Edelweiss General Insur-
email spoofing and more.
viding daily cash benefit and/or lump ance Partners Ashv Fi-
Airtel Payments Bank customers can sum benefit in case of accidental inju-
purchase this cyber insurance policy ries leading to disabilities/death. Once nance for MSME Loan Pro-
within minutes using the Airtel Thanks they realize the financial help and se- tection Plans
app. This insurance comes with ZERO curity that insurance offers, they are
waiting period and allows users to likely to consider renewal which will Edelweiss General Insurance (EGI) has
make multiple claims multiple times help us in deepening insurance penetra- joined hands with Ashv Finance, a tech-
during the policy tenure, within the tion in the country," said Ruchika led NBFC present in over 100 locations
limits of the insured amount opted for. Malhan Varma, Chief Marketing Of- in India, to offer financial protection to
The policy will provide a 90-day discov- ficer, Future Generali India Insurance latter's business loan borrowers, ac-
ery period followed by a seven-day re- cording to the insurer.
Future Hospicash is a medical insur-
porting period. This means that if the
ance policy that covers incidental ex- While Ashv is offering timely credit to
insured discovers an unauthorised
penses in case of hospitalization includ- fund the growth aspirations of small
transaction processed from their card businesses and MSMEs, EGI will ensure
or account on the 90th day from the ing a fixed financial benefit for each that there are no brakes in achieving
transaction date, they can still report day of hospitalization, irrespective of
it in the next seven days to the issuing the actual incurred medical cost. their dreams by offering health insur-
bank or mobile wallet company. Future Accident Suraksha is a life insur- ance cover to safeguard the financial
ance policy that provides the insured interest of this very important seg-
Sanjeev Mantri, Executive Director, ment.
with a lump sum amount of money in
ICICI Lombard, said, "The Covid-19
case of accidental injury leading to As part of the deal, EGI will offer health
pandemic has blurred the line between
home and workplace. With numerous death or disability. insurance cover to all the customers of
companies normalising work from Both these insurance plans can be Ashv Finance in all major cities across
home, abundant of data is being tran- gifted to your domestic help, cooks, the country. The policy will provide
scended into the open domain, hence drivers, gardeners, and others who security against the business loan
sensitive information is more prone to need an insurance policy but can't buy taken in case the borrower has an un-
security vulnerabilities today than ever one due to limited resources. Addition- fortunate incident of accident or criti-
before. We are excited to partner with ally, if one buys both insurance policies cal illness, the report said. T
The Insurance Times, March 2022 7