Page 31 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
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3. Enhanced Quality Monitoring and management:               Customer integration Management will integrate all the
     Ensure professional levels of control for quality       activities and data of the company so that it simplifies the
     assurance and consistency, and witness integration to   functions of the organization thus delivering services to
     help optimize workforce performance and quality as      customers expeditiously and efficiently.
     the Contact center managers need to ensure messages
     are consistently delivered and questions are answered   Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is Rupees 5,00,000
     correctly and appropriately.                            Crore public sector enterprise as total assets. LIC has
                                                             approximately 1.5 million agents across the country, and it
4. Provides the widest platform support tailored to meet     services approximately 200 million policy holders. LIC's
     the IT requirements of both enterprises and mid-        operations span the length and breadth of the nation
     market companies.                                       through seven zonal offices, more than 120 divisional
                                                             offices, and more than 2,500 branch offices.
Customer integration management
                                                             The basic need felt by LIC is servicing so many customers
Attaining higher levels of customer delight, increasing the  across the country that is quite a challenging task, and LIC
speed and efficiency in the product development process,     wanted to improve customer services through the initiatives
and increasing profits have led to the development of        on the effective implementation for :-
Customer integration management. Industry analysts have      1. Streamlining processes.
identified the "foundational problem of CRM projects" as
bad customer data.                                           2. Making policies detail more accessible to customers.

Customer integration Management helps insurers solve the 3. Reduce costs on travel and intra-office communications.

foundational problem by providing CRM applications and all 4. Effective implementation of grievance redresses
front office channels with the authoritative single view of
the customer, as well as business processes for maintaining

the customer data that are shared across the front and back 5. To manage an analytical feedback from the customers

office.                                                      in regard to service quality, desired improvements and


It is a real-time service-oriented application that manages

customer centric business processes and transactions, while 6. To generate innovative methods / steps to improve the

persisting "new" enterprise customer knowledge and           quality service.

processes, such as interaction history, event notifications, 7. Customized Targeting of the customer.
privacy and data entitlement rules, customer relationships

(households), and customer value profiles.                   8. Data Integration at one place which is accessed by all.

CRM of Divisional Offices of LIC

Call Center Executive   Develop Customer Satisfaction                          l Complaint Cell
                        Index                                                  l Respective HODs
l To receive calls                                                             l Standing Committee
l To follow up with     l Driving Branch CRM machinery                         l Processing Papers put up to
    respective office.                                                             CRM in division
l To make MIS of data   l Diagnosis-Pareto's Law.                              l Customer education and
l Web based GRM         l Follow up action plan
                        l Preparing MIS                                            Meets
                        l Education and Training                               l Customer research & Survey
                        l Preparation of Divisional MIS                        l Time lag study
                        l Branch Visit

                                                                                    The Insurance Times, December 2015 27

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