Page 29 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
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strategy for its operations and for the customers according
to which these five elements must be the framework for
its service.
4 Reliability

4 Assurance

4 Tangibles

4 Empathy

4 Responsiveness

The company also follows an integrated service strategy
where the people, service delivery, customers, agents,
customer listening systems etc. work in a unified manner
in order to focus on the customers.

The customer listening systems of the company functions        service experience of the customers are mapped by the
through tools like customer satisfaction surveys, Agent        company. The various touch points could be the following
satisfaction surveys, Service scorecards (Customer touch       aspects:-
point experience) Customer/Agent issues inventory, Service
monitoring questionnaire with policy pack, complaint           Agent Servicing - Acquisition Experience, Medical Tests
questionnaires and focus group. MNYL through these             experience, Call Center Experience, Website Experience,
measures tries to build and maintain long term relationships   Complaint Resolution Experience, Policy Issuance (Policy
with their customers. It tracks the performance on the         Pack) Experience, Renewals (Premium notice, payment,
various Touch points on a continuous basis and tries to align  receipt) Experience, POS Experience, Refunds Experience
their internal measures to what customer says/perceive.        and Claims Experience.
The customer thus forms an opinion about company based
on these experiences.                                          MNYL has been making efforts to provide the best services
                                                               to its customers and has thus established itself as a
The service value chain followed by MNYL is as                 customer centric brand.

                                                               It is one of the:

                                                               4 First Indian life insurer to be awarded ISO 9001:2000

                                                               4 First life insurance company to have an Agent &
                                                                    Customer toll free number;

                                                               4 First life insurance Company to have a Direct Customer

                                                               Service Unit;

This process is supported by the following 4 First life insurance company to launch a formal Six

functions:                                                     Sigma Program;

Customer Care/call centers, IT, F& A, Actuarial, HR & 4 One of the top 100 MDRT agent life insurance

facilities, marketing and legal processes.                     companies in the world,

The company tries to differentiate itself from other           Customer response management as
competitors not only on the basis of products they offer but   preached by LIC
also through the experience they provide to their
policyholders. All the factors which affect and impact the     Superior customer service is essential for every company,

                                                                                       The Insurance Times, December 2015 25

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