Page 24 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 24

stressed condition increases which should be kept in mind         risk management process in fighting against the collapse of
while aggregating economic capital.                               another financial disaster that may happen in future. As
                                                                  identified by World Economic Forum, geopolitical and envi-
Spotting of unusual activities in global landscape is another     ronmental risks are more important risks for the future of
way to have better risk identification process. Some of the       this world compared to economic risk as thought today.
activities could be political unrest or increased parleys be-
tween few countries, high market returns in the stock mar-        The initials signs of these risks are spottable even today
ket without reason, extreme weather condition prevailing          through an erratic pattern in the environment worldwide is
for a long period of time, boom in one sector in the economy      .One may not be surprised if the world witness the impact
without enough rationale, unusual high profit shown by            of extreme weather impacting the ability to grow food (just
some companies while other competitors are struggling etc         an example) for the world; this may lead to food crisis in-
.                                                                 creasing inflation immediately affecting increase in interest
                                                                  rate; this would further lead to fall in the stock market, re-
The 2008 global economic crisis had shown that boom in the        ducing asset value and creating mismatch between assets
housing market followed by new financial products was an          and liability.
unusual activity, if analyzed and assessed for its impact, the
risk might have been reduced.                                     Similarly, geopolitical risk is raising its head slowly in the
                                                                  current unipolar world. It may happen that, the impact of
Enhancement in risk analysis                                      interstate conflicts, failure of national government and slow
                                                                  economic growth may give rise to long lasting impact on
Understanding of the tail risk through expanding the risk         the global economy and it may take years to recover. If this
identification horizon to global macro risk factors, spotting     happen financial system round the world will crumble to-
the unusual trends in the global activity, better understand-     gether taking away the confidence of the customers.
ing of correlation between different risks under the stressed
condition would help identifying tail risks better. Such assess-  In such situation, even the national governments may not
ment would also reduce capital, through release of capital        be able to bail out financial institutions due to sheer size of
kept aside for catastrophe risk and through better location       losses. The focus here is to widening the scope of risk man-
of risks.                                                         agement from current narrow focus.

The regulatory bodies round the world should start includ-        The macro risk analysis process could be made as a combi-
ing the macro risk analysis as a part of risk management          nation of regular monitoring of macro risks as a part of risk
process along with current practice of micro risk analysis as     management or extended to quantification of such risks
shown in the picture. By doing this, it will help regulators in   using multifactor models or extreme value theory feeding
spotting early trends as many of the micro level risks ger-       into micro risk analysis which flows into the capital calcula-
minates in the macro garden and follow a cascading effect.        tion. This flow of risk analysis would help in identifying the
                                                                  tail risk better which may not remain a tail risk anymore
This will give more confidence and increase credibility to the    reducing the uncertainty.

                                                                  Currently, regulators have prescribed stress test to get the
                                                                  flavour of tail risk, however, such stress testing is not regu-
                                                                  larly performed, no standardized approach is available and
                                                                  different regulators are doing different tests where the
                                                                  world is facing common risks.

                                                                          There is a need for all the regulatory bodies to come to-
                                                                          gether and take up the exercise of assessing the key global
                                                                          risk and incorporate into the risk management framework.
                                                                          This will reduce the chances of world facing another crisis,
                                                                          though it is impossible to remove such happening with full
                                                                          certainty, but can reachable.

20 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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