Page 19 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 19
Munich Re generates London and Singapore Industry Associations
third-quarter profit of announce partnership
•525m in a challenging The IUA and SRA's partnership was able Singapore companies to tap into
formally announced at the 13th ongoing developments on the London
environment Singapore International Reinsurance Market's modernisation initiatives.
Conference held at the Sands Expo and
Munich Re posted a consolidated Convention Centre, Singapore.It was Dave Matcham, chief executive of the
profit of declared that the affiliated IUA, said,"There are clear links be-
•2.4bn for partnership will enable
the first nine the two organisations to tween London and
months of better serve their common Singapore which operate
2015. In the membership. as complementary under-
writing hubs for the global
third quarter, the Group realised a The relationship will en- insurance and reinsurance
profit of •525m. For the current fi- able a broader range of services for industry. The IUA
nancial year, Munich Re is still aim- multinational companies with offices in recognises this fact and is keen to
ing for a profit of at least •3bn. both underwriting hubs. Together the adapt its service offering to reflect the
IUA and SRA would cooperate to pro- business models of its members".
CFO Jörg Schneider summed up the vide enhanced research facilities, im-
figures, "With a quarterly profit of proved statistical data and responses The IUA's London Company Market
•525m, we remain on course for an- to regulatory developments affecting Statistics Report shows that in 2014
other gratifying result for the year." their respective international gross premium written in London to-
As regards the developments in the (re)insurance markets. talled £15.855bn. Yet a further
third quarter, Schneider said, "The £7.079bn was identified as overseen by
capital market turbulences have left In addition, the partnership would en- London operations but written in other
their mark on the investment result, locations around the world.
with below-average realised gains on
disposals, write-downs of equities, Swiss Re's share buy-back programme commences on
and losses from derivative hedging
instruments." 12 November 2015
In the third quarter, the operating Swiss Re's share buy-back programme of up to CHF 1 billion started on 12 No-
result was below the figure for the vember 2015. The programme, will run until 2 March 2016. The previously
same quarter last year at •579m. announced share buy-back programme has been established to achieve Swiss
Gross premiums written increased in Re's objective of returning capital to shareholders when excess capital is avail-
the third quarter by 3.6% to •12.5 able, no major loss event has occurred and other business opportunities do not
bn. In reinsurance business, the op- meet Swiss Re's strategic and financial objectives. As the tax privileged legal
erating result for the third quarter reserve from capital contribution was exhausted with the payment of the regu-
came to •424m. lar and special dividends in 2015, the share buy-back is the appropriate tool for
excess capital management measures.
The Insurance Times, December 2015 15
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