Page 14 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 14

LIC of India


Lic Finances the Konkan                 Nomura unlikely to renew its contract with LIC

Railways' doubling                      The market is abuzz with talks that       business to Reliance Capital AMC.
                                        Nomura India is unlikely to renew its
tracks                                  five-year contract with LIC and is plan-  The sources said "LIC, which holds 45
                                        ning to completely exit its mutual fund   percent stake in the JV, is in no mood
Work on doubling of tracks on           business here. The Japa-
Konkan Railway started from No-         nese firm holds 35 percent                              to increase this and there-
vember 8, and the project of dou-       stake in LIC Nomura MF,                                 fore has started talking to
bling tracks is estimated to cost the   which had an AUM of a                                   state-owned lenders for
exchequer Rs 10,000 crore while         little over Rs 11,157 crore                             selling the 35 percent
the electrification project will cost   as of September- end,                                   stake held by Nomura."
around Rs 750 crore.                    making it the 19th largest player in                    LIC's housing finance arm,
                                        terms of AUM.                                           LIC Housing Finance, holds
"Doubling of the tracks along with                                                20 percent stake in LIC Nomura MF.
the electrifica-                        If Nomura exits, the Japanese financial
tion would start                        powerhouse will become the 10th for-      While a number of state-run banks al-
from November                           eign fund house to quit the crowded       ready have their own mutual fund
8. The process                          domestic MF market that has now 43        arms, a few large PSBs like Bank of
of awarding                             players. US-based Goldman Sachs yes-      India, PNB and Central Bank, among
the tender                              terday announced the sale of its MF       others, don't have MF units and hence
would begin                                                                       LIC will first try to woo those lenders,
soon. LIC has                                                                     the sources said.
come forward to finance us and of-
fered loan of Rs 250 crore at           LIC launches maiden ULIP product
cheaper rates and other major fi-
nance companies have shown their        State-run insurer Life Insurance Corpo-   a given policy year, four switches will
interests to fund the project,"         ration of India (LIC) launched its        be allowed free of charge, Chander
Konkan Railway CMD Bhanu P Tayal        maiden ULIP product across the coun-      said while addressing a press confer-
said.                                   try. Endowment Plus, a unit linked in-    ence. The NAV (net asset value) of all
                                        surance plan (ULIP) offers investment     the segregated funds will be computed
He said "Konkan Railway has got ex-     cum insurance during the term policy      on daily basis and will be based on in-
cellent rating of 'AA+' and hence lots  and provide due benefit of risk cover     vestment performance and fund man-
of financing companies are likely to    and benefits of investment markets,       agement change of each fund type.
come forward to extend the loan. If     LIC Senior Divisional Manager, Nagpur,
need be, then we can come up with       R Chander said.                           The product will also offer double
bonds also."                                                                      death benefit. Further, it comes with
                                        In this product policy holders will have  an accident death benefit rider which
Konkan Railways has fixed the tar-      options to choose from any of the four    provides for an additional amount
get of completing this project in next  funds - bond fund, secured fund, bal-     equal to accident death benefit sum
five years.                             ance fund and growth fund - and also      assured on death due to accident.
                                        with added conveniences of switching      Option for partial withdrawal will also
                                        between these funds, he added. Within     be available under the plan.

10 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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