Page 25 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 25


I nsurance is a complex business where personalized           particularly in case of life companies who have long term
         service is achieved through an intimate knowledge    relationship with the client. So they must attempt not only
         of customers and their history with an insurance     to retain customer but also widen the customer base by
         company is critical to making sales. As insurance    enrolling fresh customers from time to time. If the customer
options broaden and products grow more complex,               is provided with really good service by the organization it is
customers seek superior, personalized service more than       unlikely that he will move elsewhere and also will act as a
ever. In the post - liberalized insurance market, one factor  brand ambassador for the company.
that is contributing to the overall performance of the
insurance player is the CRM philosophy that the companies     With the increase in number of players in the market and
have been adopting.                                           consumer becoming more and more aware of the different
                                                              products insurers have realized the importance of CRM .LIC
Getting closer to customers and effectively responding to     has been the sole Player in the market before the
their needs is a great way to boost their loyalty and         appearance of private players; CRM concept was not given
encourage deeper business relationships and it is also a      so much importance.
much more strategic route to success than only cutting
costs and improving efficiency. Most of the companies in      Customer was not educated regarding the benefits of
India are relatively new and relatively not been tested       insurance .But with the entry of the private players in the
                                                              market the competition forced LIC and other new entrant
                      About the author                        to become customer centric.

Anabil Bhattacharya                                           The impact of their entry has been felt in four areas
B.M.E. (Hons.), F.I.I.I.
C.M. & Faculty Member                                         1. Knowledge dissemination.
N.C.I.L., Narendrapur
Kolkata                                                       2. Product Development.

                                                                           The Insurance Times, December 2015 21

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