Page 39 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 39

Liability insurance also covers the insured's strict liability or  liability premiums written in 2013. This is due to two
vicarious liability arising from negligence or breach of duty      reasons - firstly the size of the US economy and secondly
of his employees and others under his care and supervision.        the increasing trends of high court awards in the third party
It is very difficult for the insured and the insurer to properly   legal liability cases. Here at present liability insurance is
predict the sources of the liability and the gravity of            about 0.5% of GDP.
negligence impacting the amount of liability awards and
claims. Thus liability insurance underwriting has become a         In 2013, US businesses houses paid premium about $84
specialized one based on sound knowledge and skill of the          billion for various liability insurances - about $50bn on
underwriters' about legal, technical, social and financial         commercial general liability, $12 billion for Errors and
aspects, which will be discussed in general as well as in          Omissions (E&O), $5.4 billion for Directors and Officers
particular for the product concerned hereinafter.                  (D&O), $13 billion on the liability portion of commercial
                                                                   multi-peril policies, $9.5 billion for medical malpractice and
International Perspective of Liability                             $3 billion for product liability covers.
                                                                   Globally the UK is the second largest market for liability
Liability insurance is a very important segment for the            insurance, with $9.9bn liability premiums in 2013, where
general insurance Sector. Liability insurance has been             public liability and product liability insurance contribute
considered more important than property insurance in the           substantially. In continental Europe, the largest liability
commercial world - especially in the western part where            insurance markets are Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
the public awareness about their legal rights and duties is        Together they made up almost $22 billion of global liability
much more compared to the East. Growth in liability                premiums in 2013.
insurance has been driven by increasing risk awareness and
regulatory changes.                                                Japan and Australia are the major markets in the Asia
                                                                   Pacific region, with commercial liability premiums of $6bn
However current liability insurance is growing fast with           and $4.8bn respectively in 2013. Australia has mandatory
increasing legal awareness of the people and speedy                covers for aviation, maritime oil pollution and residential
settlement of court cases unlike the past. With premium            construction and, in certain states, for medical
income of $160bn in 2013 liability insurance accounted for         practitioners, property brokers and stock brokers. In many
10% of global non-life premiums of $1550bn.                        countries, liability insurance is a compulsory form of
                                                                   insurance for those at risk of being sued by third parties for
Analysis shows that liability insurance is more prevalent and      insurance.
considered more important in the advanced countries
compared to emerging markets. The advanced markets                 With increasing globalization of trade, commerce and
account for 93% of global liability premiums in 2013.              industry and with the increasing use of cross-border capital,
                                                                   the liability risks are globally extensive and having far
The US is the largest market, with about 51% of the global         reaching effect in many covers like CGL Policy, D&O Liability
                                                                   Policy, Product Liability Policy. So we need to be acquainted
                                                                   with global standards, study and trends in respect of liability
                                                                   insurance. This article attempts to fundamental
                                                                   considerations of underwriting liability insurance.

                                         Underwriting Considerations

                                                           Underwriting Considerations basically include;
                                                           1) Risk analysis & CASE Study
                                                           2) Examination of origin of Legal Liability risks,
                                                           3) Types of Liability Policy
                                                           4) Application of Principles of Insurance

                                                                           The Insurance Times, December 2015 35

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