Page 42 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 42

2) Origin of legal Liability                                           of tort, which is found to be covered by all liability insurance
                                                                       policies.Now question comes-What is negligence for which
Liability arising from the following sources may be covered            action can be initiated against the negligent person?
by various insurance policies to provide protection to civil           Negligence is failure to exercise due care in a case where a
wrong doers either individual or enterprise;                           duty of care exists. Negligence may arise from any of the
                                                                       following breaches of duty:
                 Common Law /   Negligence,
                 Law of torts   Nuisance,                              Negligence under common law
                                Trespass etc                           Every citizen under any common law has the duty to take
    Legal                                                              reasonable care or exercise reasonable skill so that his
Liability-Civil                                                        action does not harm others. In Blyth V. Birmingham
                                                                       Waterowrks Co. (1856) negligence has been defined as the
                 Statutory Law  PLI Act, W C Act,                      omission to do something which a reasonable man guided
                                M V Act etc                            by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the
                                                                       conduct of human affairs would do, so or doing something
i. Common Law / Law of tort gives a person the right to                which a prudent reasonable man could not do.
claim damages for injury or loss sustained by him from
negligence, nuisance or trespass from the wrong doer. Tort             Lord Atkin in a leading case namely Donoghue V.
also includes libels and slanders, but they are not covered            Stevenson (1932) observed that "… the rule that you are
by all liability policies, but by specific liability policy like CGL.  to love your neighbour …who, then in law is my neighbour?
                                                                       The answer seems to be persons who are so closely and
ii. Statutory Law brings liabilities to insure. For example            directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have
Public Liability Insurance Act 1991, The Motor Vehicles Act            them in contemplation as being so affected when I am
1988, The W. C. Act 1923, etc are some of the important                directing my mind to the acts or omissions, which are called
enactments that necessitate purchase of Insurance policies             in question"
to meet our legal liabilities to third parties and employees.
                                                                       Later on he in another case further emphasized "Every
iii. Breach of contract (not willful) giving rise to violation of      person…is under Common law obligation to some persons
right created by an agreement enforceable at law.                      in some circumstances to conduct himself with reasonable
                                                                       care so as not to injure those persons likely to be affected
No liability Insurance covers criminal liability. Please note          by his want of care".
that Crime is a breach of public rights.Crime is subject to
prosecution by the State and punishable by fine and/or

Tort is a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common law             The above legal decisions have precisely described the
of action for un-liquidated damage. The law of tort is a part          nature and extent of our liability arising from negligence
of common law implying some breach of duty usually - the               and breach of duty under common law. We all owe to others
general duty that lies on all sections of society to take care         for our activities in the society and thus liability insurance
that no injury or damage is caused to other people. A                  policy to transfer our liability risks to others.
breach of contract is normally less frequent cause of claims
than the tort.                                                         Negligence under contract
                                                                       A breach of duty arising from the express or implied terms
The breach of duty under common law is common for all                  contract to take reasonable care and skill in the
liability insurance while the liability from the breach of             performance of the contract constitutes a negligence giving
contract is considered only in professional indemnity                  rise to a right to the other party to bring action against
insurance policy or errors and omission insurance policy. The          the negligent party.
underwriter must understand the breach of contract and
tort properly before he underwrites liability risks through            Negligence under statute
any policy. Law of tort is basically a law of negligence being         A beach of common duty of care imposed by PLI Act 1991,
the foundation of legal liability in most of the cases.                Sales of Goods Act, W.C. Act 1923, Companies Act or any
                                                                       other specific enactments in vogue in India, SEBI
2.1; Negligence                                                        Regulations or any other regulations imposing specific duty
                                                                       of care for others.
As mentioned above, negligence is the most common form

38 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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