Page 46 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 46

(b) In which the aggregate holdings of equity shares by                                            Example 2:     Foreign      Total Foreign Holding
     foreign investors, including portfolio investors, do not                                                    Company            (directly and
     exceed forty-nine per cent of the paid up equity capital                                      Holds 100%
     of such Indian insurance company, which is Indian owned                                                                      indirectly) - 49%
     and controlled, in such manner as may be prescribed.                                                Indian
                                                                                                       Company                        Indian
(c) Whose sole purpose is to carry on life insurance businessRight to control the management                                        Company
     or general insurance business or re-insurance business                               Holds 44%
     or health insurance business.                                                                                                          Holds 51%
                                                                                                                                            and Policy
Let us understand, when the company will be termed as                                                             Insurance                  decisions
an IOC company with few examples.                                                                                  Company
                                                                                                   Holds 5%      (Company A)
Example 1:

Holds 100%   Foreign        Total Foreign Holding                                                  u Whether the Company A will be treated as an Indian
            Company              (directly and                                                          owned and controlled company?
                                                                                                        Yes, since the resident Indian Company holds more than
 IndianHolds 5%                indirectly) - 49%                                                        50 per cent of the equity capital of the Company A and
Company          Holds 44%                                                                              controls the Company through policy decisions the
                                     Indian                                                             Company A will be treated as an Indian owned and
                                    Company                                                             controlled Company.

                            Holds 51%                          Example 3:

             Insurance                                                   Total Foreign Holding (directly and
              Company                                                              indirectly) - 49.5%
            (Company A)

u Whether the Company A will be treated as an Indian                                               Holds 80%                   Holds 2%          Right to appoint majority of directors
     owned company?
     Yes, the Company will be treated as an Indian owned                                                          Foreign       Indian
     Company since it complies with the requirement of                                                           Company       Company
     holding more than 50 per cent of the equity capital.
                                                                                                    Indian       Holds 44%            Holds 75%
u Whether the Company A will be treated as an Indian                                               Company
     owned and controlled company?                                                                                              Indian
     No, to be qualified as an Indian owned and controlled                                                                     Company
     company, both the conditions i.e. the Company needs
     to be owned by resident Indian citizens or companies                                                           Insurance            Holds
     and the Company needs to be controlled by such                                                                                      50.5%
     resident Indian citizens or companies.                                                                         Company
                                                                                                   Holds 5% (Company A)

                                                                          u Whether the Company A will be treated as an Indian
                                                                               Insurance company?
                                                                               No, Section 2(7A)(b) states that the Indian insurance
                                                                               company means any insurer, being a company which is
                                                                               limited by shares, and in which the aggregate holdings
                                                                               of equity shares by foreign investors, including portfolio
                                                                               investors, do not exceed forty-nine per cent of the paid

42 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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