Page 49 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
P. 49
Life Insurance Plan
Mera Term Plan
UIN No: 147N027V01
from PNB MetLife's Insurance Company
This is an online term plan that only charges for insurance. What's special?
So, if the policyholder survives the term, no money is given,
but if she dies during the term, beneficiaries get the insur- In all variants, the sum assured can be increased by 50%
ance money. and 25% up to Rs.50 lakh by opting for a life stage benefit,
when buying the policy. Medical examination is not re-
What it delivers? quired, but one needs to pay for this increase. The second
option is to choose a joint life cover in which the second
The sum assured can be customized in four ways. In the person insured carries a sum assured of 50% of the original
first, the beneficiary gets the full sum assured all at once sum assured up to a maximum of Rs.50 lakh. If the policy-
on policyholder's death and the plan terminates. In the holder dies, benefits will be paid as per the option chosen
second option, 50% of sum assured is paid in lump sum and and future premiums will be waived. If the second person
the balance in monthly installments (0.58% of the sum dies first, the sum assured is paid and the policy continues
assured) for 10 years. (policyholder has to pay premiums). If both deaths occur
together, the sum assured is paid and the policy terminates.
The third option pays 50% of sum assured on death and
then a monthly income, which goes up 12% every year on What to expect?
a simple interest basis. The fourth option works like a child
plan as it links the insurance benefits with the age of the In the staggered monthly option for sum assured of Rs.1
child. But this option is available only to policyholders whose crore and policy term of 25 years for a 35-year-old, the
child (beneficiary) is younger than or 15 years of age. premium would be Rs.9,227 (Rs.10,410 in lump sum op-
Here, 50% of sum assured is paid on death of policyholder tion). Policy will pay around Rs.41.81 lakh as lump sum, as
and the balance is paid in equal monthly installments till it factors in time value of all periodic payments and calcu-
the child turns 21. lates the present value of the sum assured to give 50% of
that sum assured. Monthly income is Rs.48,495 over 10
If policyholder dies when the child is 20 years old, the child years. There is another online staggered benefits plan
will get a monthly income for one year only (4.43% of sum (pays Rs.42 lakh as lump sum and Rs.48,500 monthly for
assured). But if the child is less than a year old at that 130 months), which is cheaper.
time, monthly income will be 0.37% of sum assured. If the
policyholder dies after the child turns 21, staggered pay- Entry Age - 18-65 Years
ments will stop and the entire sum assured will be made
available. Sum Assured - Rs.10 Lakh - Rs.50 Crore
Variants - Four
!! Hearty Congratulations !!
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& Mitul Shah as the winner of the lucky draw for our Insurance Quiz November 2015 issue.
Who will be the next?????
The Insurance Times, December 2015 45
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