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III Updates
Post Graduate Diploma in Health
Insurance by Insurance Institute of
T o be jointly conducted by The Department of The target group of candidates is those engaged as
Economics (Autonomous), University of Mumbai executives, managers, branch officials, of the insurance
and Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai. industry or the health industry who are directly involved into
the health insurance segment, those who wish to obtain a
Health Insurance industry in India is undergoing massive cross-functional knowledge and those who are planning to
restructuring and changes due to the increasing demand for take up a career in health sector.
health care needs among a major part of the population.
So, Insurance Institute of India aims at meeting the Duration of this course is approximately 9-10 months. The
changing and challenging needs of the Insurance industry course spanning two semesters is held on week-ends on the
by providing the requisite knowledge and qualifications in College campus at Bandra-Kurla Complex. The classroom
insurance to all who are interested in Insurance area. The training is imparted by expert faculty sourced from the
main objective of the "Post Graduate Diploma in Health Health insurance industry, as well as medical practitioners.
Insurance" is: Overnight stay at III campus can be considered on request
a. To provide an insight into the principles and practices for Saturday night.
of health insurance The course takes the participants through all the aspects of
Health Insurance, including health economics, product
b. To provide an overview and understanding of the Indian development, rating, risk evaluation, human anatomy,
Insurance Industry in the global set-up diagnostics, underwriting, claims processing, importance of
data analytics, claims processing, fraud prevention and
c. To give a strong foundation on the fundamentals of functioning of the Third Party Administrators.
Insurance concepts and the regulatory environment for
health insurance Assignments and research project is also built into the course
that has been designed to provide immense value to both
d. To give an in-depth understanding of the economics, young graduates seeking a career in the Health Insurance
marketing and operational principles of health sector and working professionals for their professional
insurance advancement and to offer them a bright future in the sunrise
e. To expose the candidates to the principles and practices
of General Insurance For further information visit III website
This program is targeted for providing insurance knowledge
to those engaged in or aspiring for a career in health industry
with specific reference to health insurance segment.
IRDAI lets Lloyds set up buisness in India
The Insurance and Regulatory Development Authority of India (Irdai) permitted UK based Lloyds to set up business in
India and has floated a draft rules and regulations relating to reinsurance sector. “Consequent upon promulgation of
Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015, Lloyds UK has been permitted to set up branch office in the country,” Irdai)
said in a note.
The Insurance Times, December 2015 47
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