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shall abide by the Code of Conduct applicable           (2) A corporate agent shall take the prior approval of
               to corporate agents as specified in Schedule III             the Authority for change of its name.
               of these regulations.
                                                                  30. Maintenance of Records:
          (xi) The Authority shall have the power to inspect           A Corporate Agent shall maintain the following records
               the premises of the telemarketer or any other           including in electronic form and shall be made available
               premises, which the Authority feels necessary           as and when required by the Authority -
               for the verification of records/documents and           (i) Know Your Client (KYC) records of the client, as re-
               seek any document/record, record statements                  quired under the relevant Authority's guidelines and
               of any employee of the telemarketer or make                  provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act;
               copies of any documents/records at its discre-
               tion;                                                   (ii) Copy of the proposal form duly signed by the client
                                                                            and submitted to the insurer with ACR signed by
          (xii) The telemarketer shall have to comply with any              the specified person of corporate agent;
               other terms and conditions as may be pre-
               scribed by the Authority from time to time in           (iii) A register containing list of clients, details of policy
               the matter.                                                  such as type of policy, premium amount, date of
                                                                            issue of the policy, charges or fees received;
     (3) A telemarketer shall not be engaged with more
          than three insurers or insurance related entities.           (iv) A register containing details of complaints received
                                                                            which include name of the complainant, nature of
26. Code of conduct for Corporate Agents-                                   complaint, details of policy issued/solicited and ac-
     (1) Every Corporate Agent shall abide by the Code of                   tion taken thereon;
          Conduct as specified in Schedule III of these regu-
          lations.                                                     (v) A register which shall contain the name, address,
                                                                            telephone no, photograph, date of commencement
     (2) The corporate agent shall be responsible for all the               of employment, date of leaving the service, if any,
          acts and omissions of its principal officer, specified            monthly remuneration paid to the specified person;
          persons and other employees including violation of
          code of conduct specified under these regulations            (vi) Copies of the correspondence exchanged with the
          and liable to a penalty which may extend to one                   Authority; (vii) Any other record as may be speci-
          crore rupees under the provisions of Sec. 102 of the              fied by the Authority from time to time.
                                                                                                         Continued on Next Issue

27. Inspection of Corporate Agent-                                CROSSWORD SOLUTION
     The Authority has the power to inspect the records of
     a Corporate Agent and performance of its activities any          ACROSS             DOWN
     time and in case of any deficiency observed, the Author-      9. Typhoon         1. Steamer
     ity may take appropriate disciplinary action. The pro-       10. Treacle         2. Open
     cedure applicable for the Inspection and the Audit of a      11. Annum           3. Commercial
     Corporate Agent are mentioned in Schedule IV of these        12. Uprisings       4. Annual
     Regulations. 28. Suspension, Cancellaticn or surrender       13. Export          5. Start up
     of Registration ….. to a Corporate Agent.                    15. Sublimit        6. Cess
                                                                  18. Braille         7. Economical
29. Change in ownership and/or shareholding, name of a            19. Batch           8. Density
     Corporate Agent-                                             23. A Bill, Entry  14. Particular
     (1) In case of a corporate agent, which is incorporated      24. Plea           16. Load
          exclusively for the purposes of insurance interme-      26. Launderer      17. Land rent
          diation, no change in ownership and/or                  28. Robot          20. Fall ill
          shareholding exceeding 25%, shall be carried out        30. Liaison        21. Pro rata
          without the prior approval of the Authority.            31. Tonnage        22. Battles
                                                                                     25. Drone
                                                                                     27. Disk
                                                                                     29. Bias

52 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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