Page 59 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
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 Gross direct premium income underwritten by Non-life Insurers
                      within India (segment wise) :

For the period upto October 2015 (Provisional & Unaudited ) in FY
                             2015-16 (Rs. In crs.)

Insurers      Private Sector  Public Sector  Stand-alone Health  Specialised  Industry Total
Fire              2349.98        2971.02              0.00           0.00         5321.00
Marine Total      798.43         1060.91              0.00           0.00         1859.34
Marine Cargo      738.37          617.64              0.00           0.00         1356.01
Marine Hull        60.06          443.27              0.00           0.00         503.33
Engineering       470.64          904.92              0.00           0.00         1375.56
Motor Total      12359.41       11120.88              0.00           0.00        23480.29
Motor OD          7148.44        4624.85              0.00           0.00        11773.29
Motor TP          5210.97        6496.03              0.00           0.00        11707.00
Health            3237.52        8883.48                             0.00        14011.17
Aviation           52.67          223.56            1890.17          0.00         276.23
Liability         675.79          422.63              0.00           0.00         1098.42
P.A.              872.19          493.52              0.00           0.00         1450.15
Other Misc.       1713.35        1343.06              84.44                       6125.08
Grand Total      22529.98       27423.98              0.00         3068.67       54997.24
Growth %          11.10%         11.11%                            3068.67        12.60%
Market %          40.97%         49.86%             1974.61        22.07%        100.00%
Accretion         2250.60        2741.88             44.60%         5.58%         6156.29
                                                     3.59%         554.73

                                                                                                                         General Insurance Council

                                                                           The Insurance Times, December 2015 55

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