Page 60 - Insurance Times December 2015 SAMPLE
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Mortgage Insurance Policy                   Poll              Do you think that allowing UK-based
In life and health insurance, a policy                      Lloyds to set up branch office in India
covering a mortgagor with benefits               Yes      would be beneficial to the Indian people?
intended to pay off the balance due on a          No
mortgage upon the insured's death, or to      Can’t say    Results of Poll in our November 2015 Issue
meet the payments due on a mortgage in
case of the insured's death or disability.                Should the banks be held responsible for
                                                                   mis-selling insurance policies.
Named Perils
Perils specifically covered on insured      You may send your views to :                                 Yes         100
property.                                                                                                No           00
                                            Poll Contest, The Insurance Times                   Can’t say             00
National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC)                        25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007
Association of state insurance              Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 40078428
commissioners whose purpose is to           Fax: 033-22736612, Email:
promote uniformity of insurance
regulation, monitor insurance solvency       IRDAI decides on premium for e-carts and
and develop model laws for passage by
state legislatures.                                             e-rickshaws

Net Income                                  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has fixed the pre-
The total after-tax earnings generated      mium for third party motor insurance for e-carts and e-rickshaws at Rs.1,066
from operations and realized capital        to Rs.3,257 depending on the type of vehicle.
gains as reported in the company's NAIC
annual statement on page 4, line 16.        The Motor Vehicles Amendment Act 2015 brings the e-carts and e-rickshaws
                                            under its ambit. As per the amendment, e-carts or e-rickshaws are battery
Net Premium                                 powered vehicles not exceeding 4000 watts and having three wheels for car-
The amount of premium minus the             rying goods or passengers, as the case may be for hire or reward.
agent's commission. Also, the premium
necessary to cover only anticipated         IRDAI has also said that two-wheelers carrying passengers on hire will have
losses, before loading to cover other       to pay premiums of Rs 702 for engine capacity between 75-350cc and below
expenses.                                   150cc while Rs.1615 is to be paid for those exceeding 350cc.


                MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2015 (Rs in crores) NON LIFE INSURERS

INSURERS        OCTOBER                       Growth of   CUMULATIVE                              % of Growth
                                            October 2015      UPTO                              Upto Oct. 2015
                                                                                                over the period
                                                 over       OCTOBER                             Upto Oct.`2014
                                            October 2014

                2015-16 2014-15                           2015-16 2014-15

Private Sector  3368.98 2915.77             15.5%         22535.09 20279.36                                   11.1%

Public Sector   3827.38    3429.00          11.6%         27422.83  24682.59                                  11.1%
                           195.76           55.3%         1974.60   1365.53                                   44.6%
Stand-alone Health 304.04

Specialised     533.78 461.53               15.7%         3073.18 2513.94                                     22.2%

Grand Total     8034.18 7002.06             14.7%         55005.70 48841.42                                   12.6%

56 The Insurance Times, December 2015

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