Page 378 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 378

The Insurance Times

         manager is less exposed to risks at work than a civil
         engineer working at the construction site. It is not
         practical to fix a rate for each profession or occupation.
         Hence, occupations are classified into groups, each group
         reflecting, more or less, similar risk exposure. The system
         of classification is simple and workable in practice. So,
         an insured should always inform a change in occupation
         and the insured should always advice him properly to
         chose the correct type of necessary cover.

Q1.d) What are the particulars of the family
        package cover in the Personal Accident
        Insurance ?

Ans. A Family Package Cover in PA may be granted on the
         following pattern:
         (i) Earning Members (persons insured) and spouse, if
              earning- 100% of the capital sum insured for each.
         (ii) spouse, if not earning- 50% of the capital sum
              insured or Rs 1 lac whichever is lower.
         (iii) Children between the age of 5yrs &25 yrs- 25% of
              the capital sum insured or Rs 50,000 whichever is
              lower per child.

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