Page 379 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 379

Miscellaneous Insurance

Notes: 1) For children the cover is limited to death &
Total or Partial

Permanent Disablement. (2) Premium payable for
husband and wife will be on the total sum insured for
husband and wife. (3) A discount of 5% may be granted
on the gross premium.

(i) Medical Expenses - A personal accident policy can

    be extended to cover Medical Expenses.
(ii) War and Allied risks - War risk cover can be granted

    to Indian personnel or experts working in foreign
    countries on civilian duties on extension.

Proposal Form: The form requires the following
(i) Personal details
(ii) Physical conditions
(iii) Habits & pastime
(iv) Other or previous insurances
(v) Previous accidents or illness

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