Page 408 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 408
The Insurance Times
and value of the plate broken, cause of breakage, date
of breakage, name and address of the person causing
breakage and was a person in any way was employed
by the insured.
Q7. Write a detailed note on cattle insurance
including cover provided, exclusions/special
conditions applicable, claim settlement,
features of the scheme and the non-scheme
Ans. The Cattle Insurance policy provides indemnity against
death due to :
(i) Accident(includingFire,Lightning,Flood,Inundation,
Storm, Hurricane, Cyclone, Tornado, Tempest and
(ii) Diseases contracted or occurred during the policy
(iii) Surgical operations.
(iv) Permanent Total Disability cover can be extended
on payment of extra premium :
(a) In case of Milch Cows which results in permanent
and total incapacity to conceive or yield milk.
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