Page 411 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 411
Miscellaneous Insurance
surrendered to the insurer. If the ear tags get lost, it
becomes the insured owner's responsibility to notify
the company and get the animal retagged.
Claim procedure :
(a) For Non Scheme Animals - In the event of death
of an animal, an immediate intimation should be sent
to the insurers along with (i)duly completed claim
form (ii) death certificate obtained from a qualified
veterinary doctor on the company's form. (iii) post-
mortem examination report, if required.(iv) the ear-
tag applied to the animal should be surrendered. (v)
the value of the animal should be established properly
keeping in view of the age.
(b) For Scheme Animals - intimation of loss/death of
an animal should be given to the company within 7
days along with
(i) duly completed and signed claim form along with
ear tag.
(ii) certification of death from veterinary surgeon or a
certificate jointly by any two of the following :
Sarpanch of the village, President or any other
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