Page 420 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 420

The Insurance Times

              any goods or commodities pledged or hypothecated
              to the insured or is in his control.

f) Registered Postal Sendings - it covers loss by
    robbery, theft or by other causes not excluded whilst
    in transit, or intended to be dispatched by registered
    insured post from the insured's office (provided they
    were insured individually with the post office). The
    liability of the insurer for any consignment is limited
    to 10% of the basic sum insured, or Rs. 50,000
    whichever is less.

g) Appraisers - it covers loss due to infidelity or
    criminal acts by the appraisers who are on the
    approved list of the insured bank and provided the
    bank exercises reasonable precautions and
    safeguards in the selection and appointment of such
    appraisers. The liability of the insurer is limited to
    5% of the basic sum insured or Rs 25,000
    whichever is less.

h) Janata agents - it covers loss due to infidelity or

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