Page 422 - Misc Ebook IC 78
P. 422
The Insurance Times
'Appraisers', or 'Janata Agents', the insured has to bear
25% of each claim.
(i) Additional Sum Insured - The Banker's
Indemnity Insurance policy contains a provision for
an if the insured bank requires a higher limit of sum
insured (higher than the basic sum insured), in
respect of section A and/or B of the policy, this is
permissible on the payment of additional premium.
This increased sum insured is called the additional
sum insured.
(ii) Basic sum insured - this is the original sum
insured or the limit of liability selected by the
proposer to cover sections A to E of the policy.
This basic sum insured cannot be increased
during the currency of the policy but can be
increased at the renewal of the policy. For the
sections F,G and H, lower sum insured is applied
as a certain percentage of the basic sum insured.
(iii) Reinstatement - The Banker's Indemnity
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