Page 24 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
P. 24

develop a business continuity plan. Business continuity is  3. Company borrowing requirements - the impact of
         about looking at 'what if' scenarios, for example, what if  some strategies could severely impact on the funds
         the country was affected by flu pandemic or a terrorist  required from other financial institutions and/or
         threat? Have we got a contingency plan that will ensure  shareholders.
         that the business will continue to function efficiently with
                                                              4. Financial ratio analysis - liquidity, asset management,
         little or no disruption to staff, customers and suppliers? At  and similar checks on organizations can be usefully
         a high level, the business will need to establish a key skills  undertaken. It can be said that a company should know
         database so that individuals are identified within the
                                                                  in detail about its own areas, however, key customers
         organization that can provide cover across the critical  and suppliers should also be considered. The effect of
         business functions.                                      a key supplier or customer going out of business could
                                                                  be a real problem when the company is stretching itself
         This information will need to be circulated internally. The
         firm will also need to re-evaluate their home and flexible
                                                              5. Currency analysis - this is important for international
         working policies to ensure that employees can connect to
                                                                  organizations as a major shift in currencies could quickly
         the office from home so that the business is able to
                                                                  wipe out the profitability of an overseas strategy
         maintain critical cover for the vital operations. There will
         need to be company-wide access, to the web, audio and
         data conferencing services. These measures will ensure that  6. Sensitivity analysis - this is not only useful but is
         there is a seamless interaction between the office, its staff,  regarded as a part of basic strategy evaluation. It
         suppliers and customers. The firm also needs to liaise with  explores the 'What if?' questions for their impact on
         key customers and suppliers to ensure that any contingency  the strategy under investigation. The basic
         plans are dovetailed and that in the event of a disaster all  assumptions behind each option, for example, pricing,
         parties understand exactly who and how key personnel can  growth, currency fluctuations etc. are varied and the
         be contacted.                                            impact is measured a return on capital employed, cash
                                                                  and other business objectives. The results of all
         For each risk identified, it is necessary to decide on a course  sensitivity analyses can provide those selecting the
         of action. Here a business can accept it, transfer it, reduce  strategies with a useful estimate of the risks involved.
         it or take steps to avoid it altogether. Insurance, financial
         derivatives and outsourcing are ways of transferring risk. Insurance Company's Governance and
         A business can reduce or avoid risk by reducing its exposure  Supervision Requirements - Risk
         or pulling out of a particular market. However, what is
         equally important is to make sure that the cost of action is  Appraisal Framework:
         not going to be higher than the cost of the risk itself. For  Insurers all being part of a corporate governance process
         most strategy proposals it is important to undertake some  the regulatory risks that the IRDAI is concerned with; they
         form of analysis of the financial risks involved in the strategy  may be likely to be disturbed / distressed with:-
         options. A number of types of analysis can be undertaken  1. Financial failure;
         as comprehensive as stated below:                    2. Misconduct;
         1. Cash flow analysis - this analysis is essential. A business
                                                              3. Consumer understanding;
             can report good levels of profitability at the same time
             as going bankrupt through lack of cash.          4. Fraud or dishonesty;

         2. Break-even analysis - this is also a useful approach. It  5. Market abuse;
             calculates the volume sales of the business required to  6. Money laundering;
             recover the initial investment in the business. Here the
                                                              7. Market quality.
             important point is to explore whether this volume is
             reasonable or not.                               The firm risk assessment framework involves a series of

                      "The key to keeping quality people around you is to become a person of quality yourself"

         24                                        July - December 2020                       Life Insurance Today
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