Page 76 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
P. 76

Term insurance: Splitting your plan

                      can optimise both cover, cost

         F     ear often pushes people to buy  family must have a term insurance  How much should your

                                            cover. It should be taken as a
               insurance. Over the last six to
                                                                               insurance cover be?
               eight months, as the pandemic
                                            take care of his/her family’s financial
         severely impacted the economy and  protection instrument that is able to  Typically, a term plan should cover all
         forced individuals to restrict spending,  needs after he/she is not around. The  your liabilities and major expected
         the insurance sector saw a sharp rise  key to remember is that anyone who  future expenses such as higher
         in demand for term insurance plans  has a family to take care of, and has  education of children, their wedding,
         and premium collections. In October,  liabilities such as a home loan, car loan  and the living expenses for your family.
         the first-year premium of private  etc., must have term insurance.    Suppose you have a home loan of Rs
         insurers grew 23.56% to Rs 7,227                                      50 lakh, with principal outstanding of
         crore, and that of LIC grew by 36% to  It is also important to note that you  Rs 40 lakh; a car loan outstanding of
         Rs 15,548 crore.                   should not wait to hit a certain age to  Rs 3 lakh; and you need Rs 20 lakh for
                                            buy a term plan. You may do so after  your child’s higher education, then
         Four different announcements on the  you start working, and keep adding to  your term plan should cover for all this
         success of Covid-19 vaccine candidates  the cover based on additional  until you turn 60. This should be apart
         over the last two weeks have lifted  requirements. Starting early means a  from the cover amount that would
         market sentiments and fuelled hope  lower premium for the same cover. For  provide for your family’s household
         that the virus may be about to be  example, if you are 30 when you buy  expenditure needs after you.
         defeated, and life could soon return to  a Rs 1 crore term plan up to age 70,
         normal. Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna,  your annual premium would be around  One must ideally have term insurance
         and Sputnik V have announced an    Rs 12,000. The premium for the same  cover until the age of 60, and can have a
         over-90% efficacy for their candidates,  plan will be around Rs 21,000 if you  separate plan to provide for one’s
         and Oxford-AstraZeneca has said early  buy at age 40, and over Rs 32,000 at  spouse’s financial independence till the
         results of phase 3 trials show its  age 45.                           age of 70-75. Breaking your term plan
         vaccine to be “highly effective”.

         While Covid-19 has increased
         awareness about insurance, it is
         important for everyone to understand
         that it should not require a global
         pandemic for individuals to be nudged
         to buy a policy. A term insurance plan
         is a fundamental requirement and
         forms the base of an individual’s
         financial planning, providing cover
         against the most critical risk — that of
         life itself.

         Who in the family should
         buy term insurance?
         The primary earning member of the

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