Page 81 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
P. 81

Private Life Insurance

         Companies       NewsNews

         Life insurance premium             Vouchers/ bills for availing the benefit  initiative where 17 start-ups collec-
                                            under the scheme has to be submitted  tively raised $45.35 million. The initia-
         eligible for reimbursement         on or before March 31, 2021.       tive provides seed capital allowing
         under LTC cash voucher             On the submission of bills by employ-  start-ups to scale up their operations.
         scheme                             ees who would superannuate before  Small businesses find the process of
                                            March, the expenditure department  purchasing insurance tedious and costly
         The premium paid for insurance poli-
         cies purchased between October 12,  said, "vouchers/ bills should be submit-  as they are unable to negotiate group
                                            ted and settled before the date of su-  policy pricing with a small employee
         2020 and March 31, 2021 by central
                                            perannuation".                     base. But health insurance has gained
         government employees will be eligible
         for reimbursement under the LTC cash  Insurance start-up Plum         awareness following the pandemic.
         voucher scheme.                                                       "The group health insurance market in
                                            raises $4 million                  India is projected to grow to $13.4 bil-
         On October 12, the government an-                                     lion by 2025 and we will see the rise of
         nounced the LTC cash voucher scheme  Sequoia Capital India backed insurance
                                            startup Plum has raised $4.1 million in  innovative insurance products. Plum
         under which employees can purchase
                                            a bid to provide group health insur-  hopes to provide 700 million people with
         any goods or services with a GST rate                                 employer-sponsored insurance," said
         of 12 per cent or above to avail them-  ance to small and medium enterprises.  Abhishek Poddar, co-founder of Plum.
         selves. The payments for such pur-  The recent round of funding for the
         chases have to be made via digital  start-up, which was launched in March  No Income Tax on life in-
         mode or cheque or demand draft or  this year, is led by Sequoia Capital In-
         NEFT/RTGS.                         dia and Tanglin Venture Partners. Ex- surance policies of 10 or
                                            isting investors, including Incubate
         So far, employees had only leave travel  Fund, also participated in the funding  more years, ICAI recom-
         concession (LTC) benefits on travels  round.                          mends Central govt
         made, or else they had to forgo the                                   In its Pre-Budget Memoranda - 2021,
         amount. The expenditure department  The insurer said that the amount  the Institute of Chartered Accountants
         said payment of premium for existing  raised would be used to expand in new  of India (ICAI) has recommended the
         insurance policies would not be cov-  markets, build distribution channels,  Union government to make all life in-
         ered under the LTC cash voucher    hire talent and develop products.  surance policies with a policy term of
         scheme.                            Since launch, the company has seen  10 years or more exempt from tax.
         "However, the payment of premium   rapid growth, securing  $1 million  The Institute has suggested that the
                                            worth of insurance premium. The plat-
         for insurance policies purchased during                               tax exemption on life insurance poli-
         the period between October 12, 2020,  form has more than 200 companies on  cies should now be provided based on
         and March 31, 2021, is eligible for re-  board.                       the policy term and not the premium
         imbursement under the scheme," it  The funding round is part of the fourth  to sum assured ratio, which is being
         said.                              cohort of Sequoia Capital India's Surge  currently done.

                                    "He loves her for all of the reasons you were afraid to."

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