Page 85 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
P. 85

Insurance Regulatory

         and Development

         Authority of IndiaNewsNews

         Launch uniform life policy:        Business Officer, Life Insurance,  ance and describe benefits that do not
                                                    match the policy provisions, the regu-
         IRDAI to Insurers                                                     lator said in the draft Insurance Adver-
         IRDAI directed all life insurers to come  Just like the standard health insurance  tisements and Disclosure Regulations,
         out with a standard plan 'Saral Jeevan  product 'Arogya Sanjeevani', the indi-  2020.
         Bima' from January 1, 2021.        vidual term life insurance product will
                                            also be the same across all insurers.  IRDAI is seeking to come out with new
         The product will have the same fea-  "For the first-time buyers of life insur-  advertisement regulations and has in-
         tures, benefits, inclusions and exclu-  ance, the plan will be a boon since the  vited comments from stakeholders on
         sions across all life insurers though the  product is the same, regardless of the  the exposure draft.
         prices may differ. The policy, which will  insurance company offering it," he said.
         be available for those in the age group                               The objective of the proposed regula-
         of 18-65 years, will be for a term of 5  "We welcome the move of a standard  tion, IRDAI said, is to ensure that the
         to 40 years with a maximum maturity  product that will surely help increase  insurers, intermediaries or insurance
         age of 70 years. The minimum sum   the awareness of protection plans, es-  intermediaries adopt fair, honest and
         assured will be between Rs 5 lakh and  pecially during these uncertain times.  transparent practices while issuing
         Rs 25 lakh.                        A product of this construct will also  advertisements, and avoid practices
                                            help in insurance penetration within
                                                                               that tend to impair the confidence of
         "There are many term products in the  the country," said Bharat Kalsi, CFO,  the public. Another objective of the
         market with varying terms and condi-  Bajaj Allianz Life.             proposed regulation is to ensure that
         tions. Customers who cannot devote                                    the publicity material is relevant, fair
         adequate time and energy to make IRDAI invites comments               and in simple language, enabling in-
         informed choices find it difficult to se-  for amendments in insur-   formed decision making.
         lect the right product and products
         may not be available for the intended  ance advertisement regu-       According to the draft, misleading ad-
         sum assured," the regulator said.  lations                            vertisements will also include those
         "An important reason for introducing  IRDAI has proposed to prohibit insur-  which fail to disclose or disclose insuf-
         a standard life insurance plan is that  ers from issuing advertisements that  ficiently important exclusions, limita-
         the current life insurance products  make claims which are beyond reason-  tions and conditions of the contract.
         available in the market are different  able expectations of performance.
         and quite complex, and it is difficult for                            The illustrations regarding future ben-
         the common man to understand the   The unfair and misleading advertise-  efits on assumptions which are not re-
         various inclusions and exclusions of the  ments will include those which fail to  alistic nor realisable in the light of the
         plans," said Santosh Agarwal, Chief  clearly identify the product as insur-  insurer's current performance, or de-

          "I glimpsed the butterfly which fitted about among the fake flowers of our curtains in its futile endeavor to suck the
                              nectar through its long proboscis. This butterfly reminded me of me"

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