Page 84 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
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2020 (down 24% y-o-y in September  Insurance Company Ltd deputy CEO   support from Max Life to transform
         2020). It continues to report lower-  Rushabh Gandhi. "By leveraging Gen-  business processes through technol-
         than-industry growth owing to pres-  esis BCW's expertise and long-standing  ogy. Max Life plans to select startups
         sure on ULIPs and likely slowdown at  experience, we aim to enhance   to co-develop solutions in the areas of
         ICICI Bank. Individual sum assured was  IndiaFirst Life's brand visibility and con-  artificial  intelligence/machine
         down 3% y-o-y reflecting moderation  nect among all our stakeholders. We  learning, smart underwriting,
         in protection product. While ULIPs  are confident this partnership will help  blockchain, health & wellness,
         have likely picked up sequentially, it  us communicate our purpose as a  intelligent data acquisition &
         remains weak on a y-o-y basis.     brand and build on our vision of secur-  advanced data analytics.
                                            ing lives and creating value."
         SBI Life's individual APE was up 14% y-
         o-y in October 2020 (decline of 4-14%  "This is an exciting opportunity for us  Saral set to heat up term
         y-o-y over July-August 2020). Overall  to support one of the youngest and  insurance mkt
         APE was up 13% y-o-y. Individual sum  fastest growing life insurance compa-  The term protection market in the life
         assured was up 10% y-o-y while group  nies in the country in its communica-  insurance industry is set to heat up
         sum assured was up 45% y-o-y; credit  tions journey," said Genesis BCW CEO  with insurers readying to launch Saral
         life has likely held on well.      Deepshikha Dharmaraj. "We are living  — a standard term policy that has
                                            in a world of heightened ambiguity,
         Max Life' individual APE was up 49%                                   been designed by the regulator, where
                                            and IndiaFirst Life aims to give their
         y-o-y while individual sum assured was                                insurers are expected to compete on
         up 25% y-o-y. Traction in the non-par  customers assurance in these   price.
         savings business continued to support  challenging times. We look forward to  In October, the Insurance Regulatory
         growth in Q2FY21. Max Life has fared  spreading their message of #LifeIs Full  and Development Authority of India
         better than most peers during the  Of Certainties and help them build  (Irdai) directed all life insurers to start
         pandemic. Group APE was up 35% y-  strong relationships with their stake-  selling from January 1, 2021 the Saral
         o-y while group sum assured increased  holders based on trust and values."  Jeevan Bima — a cover with standard
         1.1X y-o-y; credit life has likely revived.                           wording for sum insured ranging from
                                            Max Life Insurance launches        Rs 5 lakh to Rs 25 lakh. Although in-
         Genesis BCW wins na-               second edition of its              surers have been wary of selling lower

         tional PR mandate for              insurtech accelerator pro-         value term covers, the rise in demand
                                                                               for term cover during the pandemic
         IndiaFirst Life Insurance          gram                               has shifted focus to protection.
         Genesis BCW has been appointed as  After a successful first edition of Max  According to ICICI Prudential Life In-
         agency on record for IndiaFirst Life  Life Innovation Labs in 2019, Max Life  surance MD & CEO N S Kannan, there
         Insurance Company Ltd (IndiaFirst  Insurance Company Ltd. announced   has been a 70% increase in online
         Life), following a multi-agency pitch.  the launch of the second edition of its  search for ‘term insurance’ during the
         Genesis BCW will strengthen IndiaFirst  flagship insurtech accelerator pro-  pandemic. “Retail sum insured has
         Life's core brand value of being a trusted  gram. With the launch of the second  gone up by 5-6% during this period.
         business leader in the life insurance and  edition of Max Life Innovation Labs,  Sum insured is growing ahead of GDP,
         pensions sector, leveraging through an  the life insurer is inviting technology  which is good news for industry,” said
         integrated communications approach  startups to build smart fintech and  Kannan. At the same time, claims have
         combining strategic counselling and  insurtech solutions for specific business  been less than what was expected
         communication, media advocacy, crisis  challenges.                    during the pandemic. “We had created
         preparedness and driving thought lead-  Conceptualised in partnership with In-  an additional reserve, which did not
         ership in the banking, financial services  vest India - the national investment  get used up. This is a bit sad as it is an
         and insurance (BFSI) space.        promotion & facilitation agency of In-  indication that insurance penetration
         "We are delighted to announce Gen-  dia, which will host the programme on  is low,” he said.
         esis BCW as our communications part-  the Startup India Hub, the program  Besides ICICI Prudential, Life Insurance
         ner as we take our #CustomerFirst  will provide startups the opportunity to  Corporation and other private compa-
         philosophy ahead," said IndiaFirst Life  access knowledge, infrastructure, and  nies are working on the product. R

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