Page 86 - Life Insurance Today July - December 2020
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viate from the stipulation by the au-  Irdai working group on surety bonds,  sultant-Liability Insurance, has been
         thority through regulatory provisions  has said insurers should be allowed to  asked to study various statutory pro-
         will also be treated as misleading  enter into surety bond insurance busi-  visions on information and
         advertisements.                    ness with solvency margin above a cer-  cybersecurity, and to evaluate critical
                                            tain threshold. This is because the ex-  issues involving legal aspects of
         While issuing the exposure draft, IRDAI  perience of surety bond insurance is  transactions in cyber space. It will also
         said evolutionary trends in advertise-  yet to develop in Indian market and  examine various types of incidents
         ments in the last 20 years, coupled  the risk exposure under this business  involving cybersecurity in the recent
         with technological developments    is quite significant compared to other  past and possible insurance coverage
         which have changed the medium of   lines of business which are reasonably  strategies for those, and the cyber
         advertising, necessitate the review of  mature in Indian insurance market. "If  liability insurance covers available in
         existing advertisements regulations.  the insurer's solvency ratio falls below  Indian market and in other developed
                                            the specified threshold limit at any  jurisdictions.
         Some of the key changes proposed to  point in time, the insurer shall stop
         the current regulations include modi-  writing new surety bond business until  The nine-member panel has been asked
         fying definition of advertisements and  its solvency ratio improves above the  to recommend the scope of the cyber
         rationalisation of certain other defini-  specified threshold limit," the working  liability insurance covers for the present
         tions, enlarging scope of the term  group said in its recommendations.  context and for the medium term, and
         'misleading advertisement', and                                       explore possibility of developing stan-
         putting onus for enforcing compliance IRDAI sets up panel to ex-      dard coverages, exclusions and optional
         on advertisement endorsed by third  amine need for standard           extensions for various categories. IRDAI
         parties on insurers for compliance.                                   noted that amid the COVID-19 pan-
                                            cyber liability insurance          demic, there are rising incidences of
         IRDAI (Insurance Advertisements and  product                          cyberattacks and a growing number of
         Disclosure) Regulations, 2000 were                                    high-profile data breaches.
         notified in 2000. Two minor amend-  Irdai has set up a panel to explore pos-
                                            sibility of a basic standard product
         ments were effected in 2010 and                                       The regulator felt that cybersecurity is
         2015, respectively.                structure to provide insurance cover  the most important need for all sec-
                                            for individuals and establishments to
                                                                               tors today to address the numerous
                                            manage their cyber risks. The general
         As per the draft, all insurance adver-                                risks posed by cyberattacks. The work-
         tisements should ensure that "com-  liability policies do not cover cyber  ing group has been asked to submit its
         munications are clear, fair and not  risks, and cyber insurance policies cur-  report within two months.
                                            rently available are highly customised
         misleading whatever be the mode of
                                            for clients in a new and quickly grow-
         communication. They should use ma-                                    IRDAI issues draft for stan-
         terial and design (including paper size,  ing market.
         color, font type and font size, tone and                              dard vector-borne disease
                                            "Hence, it is felt that a basic standard
         volume) to present the information                                    cover like dengue, malaria
                                            product structure is required to pro-
         legibly and in an accessible manner",
                                            vide insurance cover for individuals and  IRDAI has released an exposure draft
         among other things for clarity.
                                            establishments to manage their cyber  for a standard vector-borne disease
                                            risks," said IRDAI while announcing  health policy which will have a mini-
         Insurers should be al-             setting up a working group to exam-  mum sum assured of Rs 10,000 and a
         lowed to enter surety              ine the need for standard cyber liabil-  maximum of Rs 2 lakh.
                                            ity insurance product.
         bond business: IRDAI
                                                                               Insurers will soon be allowed to offer
         working group                      The panel, headed by P Umesh, Con-  specific insurance cover to the public

            "The role of affection in marriage is "give and pull" which simply puts you in a position of a teacher who learns

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