Page 6 - Banking Finance December 2024
P. 6


          Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank,  The ministry said that the global credit  profit of Rs 18,331 crore for the Sept
          UCO Bank, and Punjab and Sind Bank,  and deposit portfolio of PSBs grew by  quarter, up 28% from Rs 14,330 crore
          the source said.                  12.9 per cent and 9.5 per cent Y-o-Y to  a year ago. This is the highest net

          The Central government owns more  Rs 102.29 trillion and Rs 133.75 trillion  profit reported by any entity for the
          than 93 per cent in Central Bank of  respectively.                   period. SBI's standalone profit in the
          India, 96.4 per cent in Indian Overseas  "Under the leadership of the Prime  preceding quarter stood at Rs 17,035
          Bank, 95.4 per cent in UCO Bank and  Minister, Narendra Modi, and the guid-
          98.3 per cent in Punjab and Sind Bank  ance of the Union Minister for Finance  On a consolidated basis, the bank's net
          as of end-September, according to data  and  Corporate  Affairs,  Nirmala  profit for Q2 FY25 was up 23% at Rs
          on the BSE's website.             Sitharaman, major banking reforms like  19,782 crore. During the period, the

          The plan under consideration is to sell  Implementation of Enhance Access and  bank crossed the Rs 50 lakh crore de-
          the stake through an offer for sale in the  Service Excellence (EASE), enactment  posit milestone. Its advances grew
          open market, the source said. Shares of  of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code  14.9% year-on-year to Rs 39.2 lakh
                                            (IBC), putting in place a robust Gover-  crore while deposits grew 9.1% to
          the banks rose between 3 per cent and
          4 per cent following the report.  nance Framework, setting up of Na-  nearly Rs 51.2 lakh crore.
                                            tional Asset Reconstruction Company
          The Securities and Exchange Board of  Ltd. (NARCL), amalgamation of PSBs  SBI's core net interest income rose
          India (SEBI) requires listed companies                               5.37% to Rs 41,620 crore, driven by a
                                            among others., were undertaken in the  15% increase in advances despite a
          to  maintain  a  25  per  cent  public  last few years," the finance ministry
          shareholding, but has exempted gov-  said in a statement.            0.15% dip in net interest margin to
          ernment-owned firms from meeting                                     3.14%. Non-interest income also saw
                                            The gross and net NPA stood at 3.12  a significant surge of 42%, reaching Rs
          these norms till August 2026.
                                            per cent and 0.63 per cent as of Sep-  15,271 crore, boosted by gains from
          The source did not comment on whether  tember 2024. Gross and net NPA de-  forex and treasury operations. Newly
          the government will be able to meet the  clined by 108 bps and 34 bps respec-  appointed chairman C S Setty main-
          regulator's deadline or whether it would  tively Y-o-Y.              tained the advances growth target at
          seek a further extension.                                            14-16% for the fiscal but revised the
          The official said the timing and the  SBI  net  up  28%  at  Rs.     deposit growth target to around 10%,
          quantum of the sale would be decided  18000 crore in September       down from the earlier 12-13%. Setty
          based on market conditions. The offi-                                expressed confidence in  achieving
          cial did not want to be named as he is quarter                       double-digit deposit growth.
          not authorised to speak to the media.  State Bank of India reported a net  While announcing the results, Setty

          Net profit to PSBs up 26%           Banks offer to park higher amount with RBI via VRRR

          in HIFY25, says FinMin              route
          The Union Finance Ministry said that  In an indication of excess liquidity, the Reserve Bank of India received bids
          aggregate business of public sector  worth Rs. 58,525 crore from banks against the notified amount of Rs. 50,000
          banks (PSBs) has shown strong growth  crore at the variable rate reverse repo (VRRR) auction held. This is the first
          of 11 per cent in the first half of the  time in many months when the bid amount was higher than the notified
          financial year 2024-25 (H1FY25) to  amount.  RBI has been conducting VRRR auctions almost everyday to suck
          touch Rs 236 trillion. The operating  out liquidity but banks have been wary of parking funds.
          and net profit were also robust.    "There is excess liquidity now therefore banks may be willing to park funds
          At Rs 1.5 trillion, operating profit grew  with RBI," said a banker. Recently, RBI has been conducting two VRRR auc-
          by 14.4 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y)  tions on the same day. During the past few months banks had turned reluc-
          while the net profit saw an impressive  tant to park their funds with the RBI for a longer tenure in the variable
          25.6 per cent jump at Rs 85,520 crore  rate reverse repo auctions. The shift could indicate that RBI may conduct
          in the first half of FY25.          more VRRR auctions in the coming days.

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