Page 7 - Banking Finance December 2024
P. 7


         said that the profits were driven by
         containing operating expenses as well  Gold loan outstanding of banks rises 43.4% in 1st
         as by the increase in interest and non-  half of FY25
         interest income. Additionally, the spike  Banks have reported a steep 43.4 per cent rise in gold loan disbursements
         in employee costs seen last year was  in the first six months (April-September) of the current financial year (2024-
         not there this year. "Directionally, we  2025 or FY25) amid the sustained rally in gold prices and certain deficien-
         are focusing on increasing our core in-  cies in a loan segment flagged by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently.
         terest income with renewed focus on
         the non interest income and contain-  With customers queuing up to pledge gold to take advantage of high prices,
                                              gold loan outstandings of banks jumped to Rs 147,081 crore as of Septem-
         ing the operational expenses by bring-
         ing operational efficiencies," Setty  ber 2024 as against Rs 102,562 crore in March 2024, according to the lat-
         said.                                est RBI data. If the gold loan assets of non-banking financial companies
                                              (NBFCs) are also taken into account, gold loan book of banks and NBFCs
         He added that retail loan growth was  would have crossed the Rs 3 lakh crore mark. Gold loan assets under man-
         projected at 14-16% despite a slow-  agement of Muthoot Finance was at Rs 75,827 crore, and it holds 188 tonnes
         down in unsecured loans because of   of gold pledged by customers as of March 2024.
         focus on asset quality. Corporate loans
                                              Gold loan growth in 2022-23 was just 14.6 per cent, according to the RBI.
         are anticipated to grow at a rate of
         17-18%, supported by a strong pipe-  The sudden jump in gold loans forced the central bank to ask gold loan fin-
         line. The bank has received Sebi's ap-  anciers to review policies, processes and practices while offering such loans.
         proval to raise Rs 20,000 crore through  The RBI's direction came after it found deficiencies in loans offered by su-
         the issuance of infrastructure bonds.  pervised entities (SEs) against pledge of gold ornaments and jewellery.
                                              Some irregularities included shortcomings in the use of third parties for sourc-
         SBI plans to open 300-400            ing and appraisal of loans, valuation of gold without the presence of the
         branches a year in medium            customer, inadequate due diligence, and lack of end use monitoring of gold
                                              loans and lack of transparency during auction of gold ornaments and
         term                                 jewellery on default by the customer.

         State Bank of India (SBI), the country's
         largest lender, plans to add 300-400  Another bank executive said while  vate lender HDFC Bank market capital
         branches annually to its existing net-  there is freedom in urban areas to  was Rs 13.06 trillion ($ 154 billion),
         work in the medium term to increase  open and close branches depending on  according to BSE data.
         penetration of financial services in the
         country, the bank's Chairman C S Setty  requirements, in rural and semi-urban
         said.                              areas, banks have to keep in mind as-  Kotak Mahindra Bank to
                                            pects like access to financial services
         He said a large number of residential  and priority sector lending.   buy StanChart India's Rs.
         colonies are coming up in India and are  SBI branch count stood at 22,640 at 4,100-cr  personal  loan
         in need of branches. The bank did an
         extensive micro market survey this  the end of September 2024, up from  book
         year (FY25) to find out areas, which are  15,870 in March 2014.       Kotak Mahindra Bank announced that
         yet to be covered. That is how 500  Referring to SBI's standing amongst  it will be acquiring foreign lender Stan-
         branches number came into picture,  banks in the world, the SBI chairman  dard Chartered Bank's Rs 4,100-crore
         Setty said on the sidelines of the 11th  said the bank is currently at the 17th  personal loan portfolio for an undis-
         SBI Banking and Economics Conclave  position  in  terms  of  market   closed sum. The bank will be picking up
         2024 held in Mumbai.               capitalisation worldwide and would like  the entire quantum of the foreign
                                            to be among the top 10 in three years.
         He said that there is also a possibility                              lender's personal loans classified as
         that some of the branches that were  State  Bank  of  India's  market  "standard advances" and the transac-
         opened earlier and are not making  capitalisation is Rs 7.26 trillion ($ 86  tion is expected to be completed in
         progress may be relocated.         billion) and the country's largest pri-  three months, as per a statement.

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