Page 14 - RMAI July-September 2018
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Institute of Directors, India, Presents July - September 2018
Singapore Global Convention Risk & Ethics 2018
After successfully organizing the Global Business Distinguished Fellowship Awards (2018) of IOD will be
Meet at the House of Lords and the Annual IOD Global presented to the following eminent dignitaries for
Convention on Corporate Governance and their contribution towards public causes:
Sustainability at London in October, 2018, the ! Mr. KWA Chong Seng, Chairman, Singapore
Institute of Directors is now organizing a Global
Exchange Ltd, Chairman, ST Engineering & Dy.
Convention on Corporate Ethics & Risk Management
Chairman, Public Service Commission, Singapore
& Global Business Meet in Singapore, during 05 -07,
December, 2018 at Hotel InterContinental, 80 ! (Ms) Chua Sock Koong, Group CEO, Singapore
Middle Road, Singapore. Telecommunications Limited (Singtel).
There is broad consensus about its topicality, but 'Risk ! H.E. Karan Singh Thakral, Ambassador of
Management' in India is still at a nascent stage. No Singapore to Denmark, Govt. of Singapore, Executive
business transaction takes place without taking some Director, Thakral Group of Companies, Singapore.
risk. The understanding & mitigation of risks in a Golden Peacock Award for Innovative Business
volatile, uncertain market have never been more Leadership (2018) will be present to Mr. Glenn
important. Not all boards are navigating the Saldanha, Chairman and Managing Director,
uncertainties, inherent in the changing landscape Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited, India.
effectively. The best models on Risk Management are
Gaurav Kapoor, Senior Head– Industry Partnership,
somewhat fragmented, and disconnected from
CSR, Media & Advocacy, National Skill Development
overall business strategy.
Corporation (NSDC), India, Azmat Taufique,
This year, Hon'ble Deputy CM of Tamil Nadu, Shri O Chairman - Investment Committee, Tamil Nadu
Panneerselvam is leading a large official delegation to
Infrastructure Fund Management Corporation Ltd.,
Singapore to address the Global Convention.
CS Makarand Lele, President, The Institute of
H. E. Mr Jawed Ashraf IFS, High Commissioner of Company Secretaries of India, (Ms) Carolyn Williams,
India to Singapore will inaugurate the Convention. Director, Institute of Risk Management, UK, Ron
Mr. Atul Temurnikar, Co-Founder and Chairman, GIIS Chandiramani, Owner and Group President, Al Midas
Singapore will present the Convention Chairman International Group of Companies, UAE, K. Barathan,
Address. CEO, Singapore India Chamber of Commerce &
Industry, K. V. Rao, Resident Director - ASEAN, TATA
Ms. Anshula Kant, Managing Director (Stressed
Sons, Singapore, Abhijit Chakraborty IRS (retd.),
Assets, Risk and Compliance), State Bank of India will
deliver a Special Address along with Mr. Manish former Special Secretary- Cabinet Secretariat, Govt.
Kumar, IAS, Managing Director, National Skill of India, Arindam De, Managing Director & Country
Development Corporation & Mr. Krishnamurthy Head, Protiviti, UAE et al will address the gathering,
Vijayan, CEO, Tamil Nadu Infrastructure Fund along with a large number of other dignitaries.
Management Corporation. The famed 'Golden Peacock Awards for 'Corporate
Theme Address will be presented by Mr. Ethics', 'Risk Management' and 'Innovation
Muthukrishnan Ramaswami, President, Singapore Management' will be presented during the
Exchange Ltd. | SGX. Conference to the winners amongst the Indian &
Global business & industry.
Keynote Address will be delivered by Mr. Leo Lee
FCCA, Global President, Association of Chartered The Convention is expected to be attended by around
Certified Accountants (ACCA). 300 experts and delegates from all over India and
Mr. S. Krishnan IAS, Principal Secretary- Industries,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu, India will deliver a Special REPUBLIC TV will specially cover the event, along with
Address during the Global Business meet. the print & electronic media.