Page 16 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 16

July - September 2018

        program  or  a  project.  For  instance,  funding  a  new  quantitative process as portrayed in text books on the
        venture  whose  contours  are  not  that  well  defined  subject.  It  is  Operational  Culture  that  drives  the
        may be in for a crash or it may make enormous profits.  approach  to  risk.  Risk  is  actually  qualitative  and
        There are many treatments of risk in literature, but  intuitive and brings out the most creative juices of
        the most tend to overdo the quantitative tools and    work process. It is risk that generates the passion of
        understate the softer, more people-oriented issues in   business  accomplishment;  to  overcome  a
        risk management.                                      competitive  challenge  and  create  opportunity.
                                                              Overcoming  risk  equals  business  success.  No
        First, risk has been narrowly treated in the context of
                                                              industrial or commercial venture has ever succeeded
        work-relatedactivities and tasks, but the sources of   unless  risks  were  met  squarely  and  tackled
        risk are more appropriately addressed at the business
        and industry level. The prevailing notion about work-
        related risk management has been the assumption       The  Software  Engineering  Institute  defines  risk
        that knowledge of  internal work-oriented planning    management  as  “A  successful  risk  management
        and control issues was most important in forecasting   practice  is  one  in  which  risks  are  continuously
        and managing risks and costs.                         identified and analyzed for relative importance”. Risks
                                                              are  mitigated,  tracked,  and  controlled  to  use
        This  assumption  has  driven  the  subject  of  job  risk
        management  in  directions  that  focus  on  internal   effectively  program  resources.  Problems  which  are
                                                              both  internal  to  the  organization  and  external  are
        work-related tasks. But business analysis increasingly
                                                              prevented  before  they  occur  and  personnel
        find that external business issues often have a much
        more impact on the future of their organizations ---   consciously  focus  on  what  could  affect  product
                                                              quality and schedules of production and distribution.
        and project success --- than any internal issues. Thus
        the roots of work-related risks lie in the forces acting  There are five principles underlying the definition of
        on the organization.                                  risk:
        Second, and as a consequence of the first point, risk  01.  Risk  is  any  uncertainty  in  a  project  or  work-
        cannot  be  separated  from  business  planning,  job  schedule that can distort, potentially control, or at
        selection, planning and control. It is integral to these  least track. This means there are many risks in any
        processes.  Risk  is  the  core  plan  challenging  at  the  business.
        heart  of  business  development  and  later,  work   02. Risk is integral to the business and the project
                                                              planning  process;  therefore  don't  think  of  risk  as
        The separation of risk management process from the    something different or separate from management.
        rest of the border business and work management       Risk is why you do business and plan projects – if there
        paradigm is a wrong approach to the subject because   was no risk, there won't be any business.
        it implies that somehow risk is largely internal to a
                                                              03. Focus only on high risk, resource-consuming tasks
        work schedule and therefore controlled by the work
        team.                                                 because you can't focus on all of them. Assessing risk
                                                              is a question of rank-ordering risks and keeping your
        Since work risk is business risk, the whole business   eye on them.
        strategic  planning,  marketing,  and  risk  analysis
                                                              04. Monitoring risk is a question of identifying key
        applied  to  a  business  framework  produces  SWOT
        (strengths,  weaknesses,  opportunities  and  threats)   milestones or points in the work schedule where risk
        analysis and other outputs that support identification   decisions need to be made. These milestones would
        of  work-related  risks.  These  risks  include       mark whether a piece of equipment worked, or a key
        competition, business finance, workforce issues and   source was available
        changes in the customer base.                         05.  Planning  a  response  to  risk  involves
        Third, risk management is largely a leadership and  understanding  the  work  andimpacts  of  various
        management  challenge  first,  not  fundamentally  a  corrective actions midstream.

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