Page 21 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 21

July - September 2018

             Managing The Risk and Business Insurance

                                          “All that's bright must fade –
                                          The brightest still the fleetest;
                                          All that's sweet was made
                                          But to be lost when sweetest.”

                                                                        _Thomas Moore
                                                                                         Lajpat Ray Chandnani

        The advancement of technology, the multiplicity of  Hazard,  or  condition  which  increases  the  likely
        activities  and  our  growing  interdependence  make  frequency or severity of loss. (v) Property or person
        larger and larger disasters inevitable. Progress has put  exposed to loss, (vi) Potential rupee amount of loss.
        more  people,  more  companies  at  risk  than  even  (vii) Variations in actual losses. (viii) Probability that
        before. Traffic multiplies on the roads, in the air and at  actual  losses  will  vary  from  expected  losses.  (ix)
        sea. The disasters cause death or hardship for many  Psychological uncertainty concerning loss. (x) Concise
        more  people  and  properties  than  those  directly  Oxford  Dictionary:  Risk,  hazard,  chance  of  bad
        involved. The most sophisticated modern machinery  consequences, loss etc., ; exposure to mischance (xi)
        can break down. Defective goods can cause injury.  Chamber's English Dictionary: Risk: hazard, danger,
        Mistakes do happen and accidents can kill or main  chance of loss or injury, the degree of probability of
        employees and general public. Profits, customers and  loss, a Person, thing or factor likely to cause loss or
        goodwill can be lost. No one is safe from thefts. No  danger (xii) ISO 31000 - standard prescribed by the
        building is safe from Fire. No business is immune from  International  Organization  for  Standardization
        one or the another risk……….                           defines  "Risk"  as  the  effect  of  uncertainty  on
        CONCEPT OF RISK :                                     objectives, whether positive or negative.
        Jawaharlal Nehru once wrote : “People avoid action    RISK AND BUSINESS :
        often because they are afraid of the consequences for  Identifying and Analyzing Los Exposures :
        action means risk and danger.” He added that “while
                                                              Recognizing the numerous kinds of hazards that can
        these results seems terrible from a distance, they are   lead to unexpected losses is not as simple as it may
        not so bad if one looks closely. And often risk is a   appear. Unless one has already experienced a loss,
        pleasant companion, adding to the zest and delight of
                                                              one may not even recognize certain loss exposures. If
        life.  Most  people,  however,  do  not  regard  risk  so   one has not experienced a fire, for example, he may
        kindly  and  seek  to  cope  with  it  effectively.  Risk  is   not realize how much damage can be done by the
        universal, present in all things, all lives, inherent in
                                                              water from the fire hoses or how much business may
        being. The concept of a person free from risk is as   be lost during the time required to get things back to
        theoretical as the concept of perfection……….”         normal.
        RISK, DEFINED :                                       Identifying  and  analyzing  loss  exposures  involves

        Risk is objective uncertainty of financial loss that is to  examining  a  firm's  operations  and  repeatedly
        say anything that endangers present or future assets  asking….
        of a firm. William Lawrence  defined the Risk as “Risk   I.  What  can  cause  a  loss  here  ?  (Identifying  an
        is the compound estimate of the probable frequency,   exposure), and
        severity  and  public  perception  of  harm.”  Some
                                                              II.  How  serious  might  that  loss  be?  (Analyzing  the
        common definitions are :
        (I) Possibility of loss or exposure to loss, (ii) Probability
                                                              To  be  logical  and  complete  any  procedure  for
        or chance of loss, (iii) Peril which may cause loss, (iv)
                                                              identifying and analyzing loss exposures should taken

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