Page 22 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 22

July - September 2018

        into account the potential for property losses which  costly shut-down that can result from fire or other
        may result into either…                               peril.  Where  such  a  shutdown  –  or  business
                                                              interruption – occurs the Management then has to
        I. Physical damage to property, or
        II. Loss of use of property, or                       deal with –
        III. Criminal Activity                                I. The loss of use of building (measured by the loss of
                                                              revenue while the store is closed for repairs), and
        Property Losses : Physical Damage :
                                                              II. Extra expenses to speed repairs or to rent space at
        Property may be damaged by many common perils         another location in order to avoid closing.
        like  fire,  storm,  hail,  earthquake,  subsidence,   These two business interruption possibilities – loss of
        earth/rock  movement,  avalanche,  snow,  frost,      revenue  and  extra  expenses  frequently  are  over
        volcanic eruption, flood, inundation, effects lightning,   looked.
        explosion/fires spreading from neighborhood/forest,
        bushfire,  impact  of  vehicles/aircraft,  sonic  boom,   A  firm's  operations  also  may  be  interrupted  even
        smoke,  arson,  malicious  damage,  riots,  theft,    though  no  physical  damage  has  occurred  to  its
        burglary, robbery and such other perils. Most firms   facilities.  This  can  happen  when  an  important
        buy insurance to protect against the losses caused by   supplier or customer suffers a severe accidental loss.
        such perils. However, to cope effectively with a firm's   Consider, for example, the cause of a retailer who gets
        property  loss  exposures  a  business  person  must   50 per cent of revenue from the sale of high fashion
        consider others perils which are less common.         jeans  manufactured  by  one  supplier.  The  retailer's
                                                              income will be severely affected if the jeans maker
        A complete analysis of potential losses must taken    had a fire and could not ship inventory to the retailer
        into  account  the  indirect  as  well  as  the  direct   for nine months.
        consequences.  For  example,  a  fire  can  not  only
        destroy a building but result in a costly shutdown,  LIABILITY LOSS :
        lawsuit by injured customers or employees, or even    A firm may be legally liable, that is, responsible to pay
        an  inequity  which  would  put  a  key  person  out  of   for  bodily  injury  or  property  damages  suffered  by
        action.                                               another person or firm. This liability may arise from :

        Property Losses : Loss of Use of Property :
                                                              I.  A  court  decision  (such  as    in  a  lawsuit  charging
        A business can also lose the use of property without  negligence), or
        suffering physical damage. For example, a number of   II.  Provision  of  a  Statute  (Such  as  Employee's
        governmental agencies have the authority to close     Compensation Law), or
        down  a  business  in  certain  circumstances.  A
        restaurant can be closed by a local board of health   III.  A  violation  of  a  contract  provisions  (such  as  a
        because of unsanitary conditions, a manufacturer can   contract that makes one party responsible for certain
        be closed for violations of occupational safety and   kinds of losses).
        health regulations.                                   Liability to General Public :
        Property Losses : Criminal Activity :                 A Court may find a business firm liable for injuries or
        Almost  every  firm  is  exposed  to  loss  by  robbery,   other  losses,  which  the  firm  or  its  employees  can
        burglary  and  other  crimes  –  and  not  just  from   cause  to  a  member  of  general  public,  through
        outsiders. Of great concern to mean and women is      negligence or other fault. For example, a customer
        the risk of “Cyber crimes “and  “white collar crime” to  trips on a broken step, or a user of the firm's product is
        alarming levels. A  firm which operates with limited  injured because of a def3ect in that product. Or the
        profit margins may be forced to close if one “trusted”  community as a whole is adversely affected by air or
        employee is able to pocket part of every day's sales.  water  pollution  in  violation  of  a  statute  protecting
        Even  if  this  criminal  is  caught  the  money  or  water and air quality.
        merchandise illegally taken seldom is recovered.      Liability to Employees :

        Business Interruption Loss :                          Employees can be injured or even contract disease as
        An important consideration for any business person is  a  result  of  job-related  activities.  To  protect  the

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