Page 26 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 26

July - September 2018

        business premises policy covers not only loss of the  “fire”  insurance  in  view  of  both  the  elements
        insured property, but also damages to such property  'ignition',  and  'accident'  being  present.  In  other
        and damage to the premises caused by burglars.        words, there is said to be a fire within the meaning of
        Cash Insurance : For covering loss of cash whilst it is in   fire insurance when – (a) there is actual ignition, (b)
        transit or at counters or in the safe. The policy may be   the property is one which ought not to have been on
        extended to cover infidelity of employees as also riot,   fire, and (c) the fire is purely accidental or fortuitous in
        strike and terrorism perils.                          original, as far as the insured is concerned.

        Engineering  Insurance  :  Insurance  protection  is   Direct consequences of Fire covered under the scope
        available for construction, erection, commissioning,   of Fire Policy are (a) Damage during or immediately
        test  run,  operation,  expansion  etc  of  a  plant,   following a fire caused by (i) smoke (ii) scorching (iii)
        machinery or equipment. Provides coverage for own     falling walls (b) damage caused by Fire Brigade in the
        damage as well as to surrounding property, coverage  discharge of their duties e.g., (i) Damage caused by
        for bodily injury to employees, to the third parties etc.  water,  and  (ii)  Damage  caused  by  flowing  up  the
        Engineering Boiler Explosion Insurance is for steam   property to prevent spreading of fire, and (c) Damage
        generating vessels like boilers, economizers, super-  to property removed from a burning building caused
        heaters etc. Contractors' All Risks Policy is designed to   by exposure to weather provided the removal was
        protect the civil contractors against the damage to or   made in an endeavor to mitigate the loss.
        destruction  of  various  civil  engineering  projects  Standard  Fire  and  Special  Perils  Policy  (Material
        undertaken  by  them  which  includes  accidental  Damage) covers perils of fire excluding destruction or
        damage to civil construction works. Contractors Plant  damage caused to the property insured by (a-i) its
        and Machinery insurance is for construction Plant and  own fermentation, natural heating or spontaneous
        Machinery which are essential used at project sites.  combustion (a-ii) its undergoing any heating or drying
        Machinery Breakdown Insurance cover is available to  process and (b) burning of property insured by order
        take  care  of  the  loss  of  or  damage  to  plant  and  of any Public Authority.
        machinery  due  to  accidental  failure  caused  by
                                                              Marine Insurance : The business of effecting contracts
        electrical or mechanical breakdown. Deterioration of
                                                              of  insurance  upon  vessels  of  any  description,
        Stock insurance (Refrigeration Plant Insurance) is a   including cargoes, freights and other interests which
        follow up cover to Machinery Breakdown Insurance
                                                              may be legally insured, in or relation to such vessels,
        and  cover  deterioration  of  goods  stored  in  cold
                                                              cargoes and freights, goods, wares, merchandise and
        storage  which  might  arise  due  to  a  breakdown  of   property of whatsoever description insured for any
        refrigerating machinery.
                                                              transit  by  land  or  water,  or  both,  whether  or  not
        Engineering  Electronic  Equipments  Insurance        including warehouse risks or similar risks in addition
        provides  all  risks  protection  for  loss  or  damage  to   to or as incidental to such transit and includes any
        electronic equipments such as computers, telephone    other  risks  customarily  included  among  the  risks
        exchanges  and  equipments  used  in  business,       insured  against  in  marine  insurance  policies.  In
        hospitals, audio-visual equipment.
                                                              common language the cover is available for exports,
        Fire Insurance : Fire connotes actual ignition under   imports and inland transits of raw materials, plant,
        accidental  or fortuitous  circumstances so  far  as its   machinery  and  accessories  and  finished  products,
        coverage  under  the  fire  insurance  is  concerned.   vessels and freight and such other interests.
        Spontaneous combustion, fermentation or heating or
                                                              Motor Insurance : For covering the vehicles against
        scorching without ignition is not a fire. A fire lighted   theft, accidental damage and third party liability.
        for  a  definite  purpose,  say,  for  warming  or
                                                              Insurance of Liability :
        manufacturing is not a fire as understood in the fire
        insurance  parlance  if  it  is  confined  within  its  own   Directors and Officers Liability Insurance :
        limits. If such fire breaks out of its bounds and ignites  The Directors and Officers of Companies may become
        other property, then the loss is within the scope of  liable to pay damages for wrongful acts such as failure

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