Page 29 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 29

July - September 2018

                             Risk Based Liquidity for India

                                                                                                  Sonjai Kumar,
                                                                  Independent Risk Management Consultant,
                                              Ambassador in India of Institute of Risk Management, London

        Introduction                                          how much the central bank should keep the excess
        The spat is going on between Reserve Bank of India  reserve. The Government contention is RBI is sitting
        (RBI) and Government of India (GoI) on easing the  on excess reserve and some part should be released
        liquidity so that the money can be passed to stimuli  so that MSMEs can be funded to provide some stimuli
        the economy. Both the parties are right given their  leading  to  some  employment  generation.  The  key
        role, let's look at some of the rationales in this write-  question is how much is enough for the economy.
        up to understand and appreciate the stands of both  Some central banks around the world keep 13% to
        the parties. One of the key contentious issues is how  14% of assets (US and UK) as the excess of reserve and
        much liquidity should be kept, the answer is easy, it  rest are released to the government. By this logic, the
        should be risk-based and not by any global standards.  RBI may release half of the excess of capital to the
                                                              government which could be in the tune close to 5
        Risk Based Decisions                                  Lakh Crore.

        Any decision that is taken should consider what the   In my assessment this logic has a severe shortcoming,
        inherent risk in the decision is. The two key decisions   the  contingency  reserves  are  kept  for  the  future
        that  are  weighing  heavily  on  the  government  are   uncertainties and the risks that may arise. The risks
        “Demonetization” and second is “GST”. As a result of   that  the  US  or  UK  economy  that  faces  are  very
        this, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)     different  compared  to  what  the  Indian  economy
        are currently in a stress situation looking for extra   faces. The strength of the currency, the balance of
        cash/credit  to  come  out  of  it,  while  the  RBI  has   payment, fiscal deficit, economic parameters such as
        tightened its grip on a bad loan. As a result of ailing   inflation,  interest  rate,  unemployment,  industrial
        MSMEs  the  unemployment  is  increasing  and  next   growth are very different in US/UK and in India. Just
        year  general  election  is  there.  The  government   the growth in GDP rate is not good enough to these
        desperately want to use the extra liquidity that RBI   risks keeping at bay. India definitely requires higher
        has.                                                  liquidity  compared  to  what  other  developed
        Now the question here is, was the two key decision    economies are keeping.
        mentioned above were risk-based? In the risk-based    The  decision  should  not  base  on  what  other
        decisions all the risks should be identified at the time   economies are keeping, but rather what are your risks
        of taking any critical decision and mitigation action   and  what  mitigation  plans  the  Country  has.  If  the
        should be prepared at the time of taking the decision.   Country  does  not  a  mitigation  plan  for  the  future
        If this is not done, the Country may end up in a crisis   emerging risks, the current reserve could be a good
        situation.                                            number.

        Liquidity Position                                    Risk  Assessment  and  Stress  and  Scenario  Testing
        The RBI is sitting on 27% of 36.17 lakh Crore, 9.7 lakh
        Crore of excess reserve. There is a no defined formula,   How much is  good enough? Identify all the  future

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