Page 30 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 30

July - September 2018

        risks and measure those risks and keep the capital  Economy
        accordingly. One of the strong tool for such activities   Economic development is at all cost, however, this
        are Stress and Scenario testing. RBI may create few   should  not  be  at  the  cost  of  another  crisis.  The
        local  and  few  international  scenarios  and  do  the   economic parameter such as inflation is at a higher
        stress testing, this will tell, how much free capital is   end, how the interest rate can be reduced to trigger
        required to manage the future risk.                   the boost in the economy.
        If the reserves at this point are released based on the
        international ratio, the country could be in a severe
        trouble if few international crises hit the economy or
                                                              It is a good time for the government to look into the
        shocks  in  the  oil  prices  remain  for  the  sustained
        period.                                               risk management more seriously and start focusing
                                                              on risk-based decision. The political compulsion will
        We also have to see the resilience of our economy     always remain, there is a need to draw a line between
        against  the  developed  world.  Few  days  of  rain  or
                                                              the  mathematics  of  the  economy  and  decision  for
        stress  condition  cripple  the  country  against  the
        developed market.

                                         Reputational Risk

           Reputational risk, often called reputation risk, is a risk of loss resulting from damages to a firm's
           reputation,  in  lost  revenue;  increased  operating,  capital  or  regulatory  costs;  or  destruction  of
           shareholder value, consequent to an adverse or potentially criminal event even if the company is not
           found guilty. Adverse events typically associated with reputation risk include ethics, safety, security,
           sustainability, quality, and innovation. Reputational risk can be a matter of corporate trust.

           This type of risk can be informational in nature that may be difficult to realize financially. Extreme cases
           may even lead to bankruptcy(as in the case of Arthur Andersen). Recent examples of companies
           include: Toyota, Goldman Sachs, Oracle Corporation, NatWest and BP. The reputational risk may not
           always be the company's fault as per the case of the Chicago Tylenol murders after seven people died in

           In risk assessments, reputation risk is often considered as a risk event. However, it can be the end result
           of more specific risk events that can have a number of impacts.

              “Successful problem solving requires finding the right

                   solution to the right problem. We fail more often

              because we solve the wrong problem than because

                   we get the wrong solution to the right problem.”

                                                                                  -Russell L. Ackoff

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