Page 28 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 28

July - September 2018

        connotes  a  form  of  Profit  Insurance  which,  in  II. Inform about loss to the Policy Issuing Office over
        principle, follows the characteristics of Consequential  telephone, mobile, whatsApp, mail, fax giving details
        Loss  Policy  but  is  issued  in  advance  of  actual  of  the  occurrence,  estimate  of  loss  and  the  Policy
        commencement  of  business.  The  financial  Number.
        consequences of this stoppage or interruption of any   III. Write in detail about claim to the insurer as soon as
        earning or manufacturing operation normally leads to   possible (at the most within 14 days)
        delay of commissioning of a project under erection
                                                              IV.  Submit duly completed claim form
        and may effect – (i) liquidity, (ii) profitability, and (iii)
                                                              V.  Cooperate  with  the  appointed  Surveyor  /
        growth. Advance Loss of Profit cover offers protection
                                                              Investigator for completing the survey/investigation
        in respect of fixed cost/standing charges, estimated
        net profit, loss and increased cost of working as a   and assessment of the loss.
        result of an insured peril occurring during the period   VI. Preserve the damaged items for survey
        of insurance, subject to the initial time exclusions in  VII. Give immediate notice to such parties who may
        the policy.                                           have been responsible for happening of the loss or

        Guidelines  for Policy  Holders  on  issuance of Policy   damage  to  the  property  in  order  to  protect  the
        Documents:                                            recovery rights.

        1. Verify the policy documents issued by the insurers.   VIII. Give details of other insurances if any affected on
        Check whether the same covers all the properties and   the property and in force at the time of loss.
        the perils which were intended to be insured.         IX. Quote Policy number in the initial communication

        2. Check the values declared for insurance. It may be   and Claim number in subsequent communications.
        on market value or on reinstatement value. In case of  X.  Wherever  any  criminal  action/death  or  bodily
        fixed  assets,  the  policy  can  be  extended  to  get  injury  to  any  person  is  involved,  Police  authorities
        indemnity  on  Reinstatement  Value  basis.  The  sum  should be informed immediately.
        insured should represent the cost of reinstatement as   XI.  In  case  of  fire,  Fire  Brigade  to  be  advised
        on date of reinstatement.                             immediately
        3. Revise the values to offset inflation and exchange   XII.  In  case  of  Personal  Accident  immediate  notice
        rate fluctuations.                                    should be given to the insurer.
        4. Inform the insurers of any additions, alterations  XIII. In case of Hospitalization immediate details of
        immediately and get the Policy suitably endorsed by  insurance  policy  to  be  provided  to  Hospital  for
        paying additional premium, if required.               obtaining cash-less facility.
        5.  Maintain  electrical  installation  and  Fire  Fighting  XIV. In case of liability claim, no reply to be given in
        Equipment in conformity with the regulations.         response  to  any  notice  without  the  prior  written
                                                              approval of the insurers.
        6.  Take  a  note  of  renewal  date  and  send  renewal
        instructions  to  the  insurers  in  advance  with  the   XV.  In  case  of  Act  of  God  claim,  obtain  necessary
        premium to ensure continuous insurance protection.    Meteorological  Report  from  local  or  nearest
                                                              meteorological office.
        Managing the Business Insurance Claims :
                                                              XVI. In case of theft claim inform to Police Authority
        Requirements  in respect  of  Claims  in  any Business   and  obtain  First  Information  Report  as  also  court
        Insurance Policy:
                                                              approved Final Report.
        In all cases of occurrence of events which may result   Regardless of organizations' size and trade / business
        in loss or damage to the insured property and may     or industry category, all organizations share one thing
        result in a claim, the insured must :
                                                              in common – the realization that the complexity of
        I.  Take  steps  to  protect  the  property  from  further  the modern world demands responsible planning for
        damage.                                               the future.

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