Page 5 - RMAI July-September 2018
P. 5
July - September 2018
Why this Event
The ever increasing risk in every sphere of business is promp ng organisa ons to have a more
focussed approach to manage risk and decide future course of ac on. No industry can remain
aloof to the rising risk poten als and must take prompt and correc ve measure.
The fast development of technology has revolu onised the en re processes of a business
enterprise but at the same me new risks has evolved which may affect the very existence of an
organisa on. The banking industry is struggling to meet the NPA problem and Credit Risk
The Insurance Industry is also growing very fast but at the same me is facing huge challenge to
stay afloat in compe ve environment and increase penetra on. The Corporate bodies too are
facing internal and external risks and it is quite difficult to predict the future of any organisa on
unless the strategies and opera onal risks are managed properly.
In order to meet up these challenges and discuss and deliberate on how to manage risks be er,
we are organising One day Conference on Risk Management Challenges in the New Era – Way
ahead. It will be a unique pla orm for all stakeholders to exchange and share their experience to
face the future challenges in Risk Management and manage the risks be er.
Ÿ Risk Management in New Era – Future Challenges
Ÿ Digital Risk Management
Ÿ Risk Governance
Ÿ Enterprise Risk Management
Ÿ Risk Management in Financial Industry
Ÿ Role of Intermediaries in Risk Management
The Speakers in the event would include Regulators, CEO’s from various companies, Senior Risk
Management Professionals and veterans from the industry who will share experience and vision
to chart out a strategy to face the challenges in Risk Management.
Why Sponsor
Risk Management is going to become the core of every business ac vity and every company must
focus on mi ga ng and managing risks. As all stakeholders come on a common pla orm it would
be an excellent opportunity to become partner in our flagship event and get a very good exposure
through sponsorship.
It will also help your company to play a pivotal role and become a trend se er in showcasing your
commitment to the industry about best business prac ces in Risk Management. You will also be
able to reach out your message to the targeted audience and boost your brand and commitment.