Page 115 - A Banker Down the Rabbit Hole
P. 115

34. The most misunderstood fact -

                    The liability of a guarantor

           Case of misrepresentation of facts to a proposed

           The episode of pitiable position of guarantor reminds me of another loan
           case where a guarantor of substantial worth was offered. We had a
           proposal for a working capital limit for Rs 2 crore against security of steel
           products for trading in a famous "Iron Market" of a metro city. The charge
           on security was "Hypothecation" that meant an agreement that the
           borrower would have the ownership of the goods but would keep them
           in trust for the bank, deal with them as per trade requirements of buying,
           selling and replenishing the goods as part of his trading activity. The
           borrower also agreed as per contract to deliver the possession of goods
           to the bank as and when bank wanted, in case of default.

           The trading loans are much riskier than manufacturing and hence some
           additional tangible security of the borrower or the guarantor of
           commensurate market value was insisted. The borrower firm offered to
           mortgage a commercial property worth Rs. 3 crore belonging to the
           guarantor. We visited the site of the under construction property. I
           enquired from some persons in the vicinity of the property as to who
           was the owner, the stated purpose of the building under construction
           etc. I approached one person working nearby and asked, "Do you know
           for what purpose the building under construction will be used and who
           was the owner?" The gentle man replied, "Seems you are from a bank.
           The property belongs to Mrs. Sushma Goela and a restaurant is almost
           ready." How he could guess that we are form a bank, was a big question
           for me. I got alerted as it seemed the man was tutored in anticipation of
           our visit.

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