Page 16 - Banking Finance September 2022
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          month of July 2022 is Rs 1,48,995 crore  1 to ITR-7), in phases between June 27  June credit card  spends
          of which CGST is Rs 25,751 crore, SGST  and August 10. Over 65,000 returns
                                                                               remain above Rs. 1 trillion
          is Rs 32,807 crore, IGST is Rs 79,518  have already been filed.
          crore (including Rs 41,420 crore col-                                Credit card spends in June, although
                                            Taxpayers filing returns for AY 2021-22
          lected on import of goods) and cess is                               down  marginally  month-on-month
                                            will need to pay the regular tax due
          Rs 10,920 crore (including Rs 995 crore                              (MoM), remained above the Rs 1-tril-
                                            and interest thereon till date, along
          collected on import of goods). This is                               lion mark for the fourth consecutive
                                            with an additional amount of 25 per
          second highest revenue since introduc-                               month.  In  June,  credit card  spends
                                            cent of such tax and interest. For Ay
          tion  of  GST.  The  government  has                                 topped Rs 1.09 trillion, down 4.34 per
                                            2020-21, the additional amount will be
          settled Rs 32,365 crore to CGST and Rs                               cent MoM, revealed the data released
                                            50 per cent of the tax payable and in-
          26,774 crore to SGST from IGST. The                                  by  the  Reserve Bank  of  India (RBI).
                                            terest. This facility was proposed in the
          total revenue of Centre and the States                               However,  on  a  year-on-year  basis,
                                            Budget for FY23.
          in the month of July 2022 after regu-                                spends were up 73 per cent.
          lar settlement is Rs 58,116  crore for                               In May, credit card spends hit an all-
                                            Over 7% of Indians own
          CGST and Rs 59,581 crore for the SGST.                               time high, reaching Rs 1.14 trillion. The
                                            digital currency; 7th high-
          The revenues for the  month of  July                                 banking system added over 1.84 million
          2022 are 28% higher than the GST rev- est in world                   credit  cards in  June, taking the out-
          enues in the same month last year of                                 standing credit cards in the system to
                                            According  to  the  UN,  over  7%  of
          Rs 1,16,393 crore. During the month,                                 78.72 million.
                                            India's population owned digital cur-
          revenues from import  of goods was                                   The surge in card addition was led by
                                            rency in 2021, ranking seventh in the
          48%  higher  and  the revenues  from
                                            list of top 20 global economies for digi-  HDFC Bank, the largest card issuer in
          domestic transaction (including import
                                            tal  currency ownership  as  share  of  the country, Kotak  Mahindra  Bank,
          of services) are 22% higher than the
                                            population. The use of cryptocurrency  and Axis Bank.
          revenues from these sources during
                                            rose globally at an unprecedented rate
                                                                               HDFC  Bank added  386,487  cards in
          the  same  month last  year. For five
                                            during the COVID-19  pandemic.  Ac-
                                                                               June, followed by Kotak Mahindra Bank
          months in a row now, the monthly GST
                                            cording to the UN trade and develop-
                                                                               (262,942), Axis Bank (228,933), ICICI
          revenues have been more than Rs 1.4
                                            ment organization UNCTAD, in 2021,
                                                                               Bank  (190,490),  and  SBI  Card
          lakh core, showing a steady increase
                                            15 of the top 20 economies in terms
          every month. The growth in GST rev-
                                            of the percentage of the population
          enue till July 2022 over the same pe-
                                            that owns cryptocurrencies were de-
          riod last year is 35%.                                               Coins worth Rs. 11 crore
                                            veloping countries.
                                                                               missing from bank
                                            Ukraine  topped the list with 12.7%,
          All categories of taxpayers                                          The Central Bureau of  Investigation
                                            followed by Russia with 11.9%, Venezu-
          can now  file updated re-         ela with 10.3%, Singapore with 9.4%,  (CBI) conducted searches at 25 loca-
                                                                               tions in connection with a case of coins
                                            Kenya  with  8.5%,  and  the  US  with
          turns for AY21, AY22
                                            8.3%. The UNCTAD stated that while  worth Rs 11 crore going missing from
          All categories of Income Tax assessees                               the vaults of a State Bank of India (SBI)
                                            some  people  have  benefited  from
          can now file updated returns for the                                 branch in Karauli in Rajasthan, officials
                                            these private  digital  currencies and
          Assessment Years 2020-21 and 2021-                                   said.  The central  agency had  regis-
                                            they have  made remittances  easier,
          22,  with  the  payment of  additional                               tered the case on April 13 following an
                                            they are an unstable  financial  asset
          tax. However, this facility is not avail-                            order  of the  Rajasthan High Court,
                                            that also carries social risks and costs.
          able for those seeking a refund.                                     they said.
                                            The monetary sovereignty of nations
          Assessment Years 2020-21 and 2021-22  may be at risk if cryptocurrencies take  The SBI had approached the Rajasthan
          refer to fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-  off as a common form of payment and  high court seeking a CBI probe into the
          21  respectively. For both  years, the  even informally displace national cur-  matter  as the missing amount  was
          updated return form (ITR-U) has been  rencies  (a  process  known  as  higher than Rs 3 crore, the threshold
          enabled for all return types (from ITR  cryptoisation).              for seeking a probe by the agency.
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