Page 5 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 5

General Insurance


50% farmers should be covered under crop insurance                                     Global insurance indus-
                                                                                       try not keen in cyber in-
The PM in his monthly programme            schemes. "Can we take a pledge that
over radio 'Mann Ki Baat' has pitched      we should connect at least 50% of           surance policy
for expanding the base of the recently     farmers to this scheme in two years? I
announced crop insurance scheme un-        need this help from you. Because if a       The global insurance industry is un-
der 'Start-Up India' so that at least      farmer joins the scheme, he will get                                     willing to
50% of farmers were covered under it       huge help during a natural calamity,"                                    write cyber
in two years. He also highlighted ben-     he said.                                                                 insurance
efits of the scheme where farmers will                                                                              policies as of
have to pay very low premium.              In his nearly 30-minute broadcast,                                       now. Firms
                                           Modi also talked about cleanliness and                                   are looking
He said there was talk regarding crop      beautification efforts being made in
insurance for so many years but "not       the country as also the upcoming            for US $1 billion covers, but the in-
more than 20-25%" of India's farmers       South Asian Games to be held in             surers are not interested.
were able to benefit from such             Guwahati.
                                                                                       Cyber insurers face a situation of in-
General insurance premiums not increasing due to fall-                                 formation irregularity. There are
                                                                                       none or very limited actuarial insights
ing reinsurance                                                                        available. The task for insurers is
                                                                                       made even more difficult by the fact
Reinsurance premium rates are ex- K. Sanath Kumar, Chairman and MD,                    that attacks may not be aimed at a
                                                                                       big firm directly. No insurer has a
pected to decline this year rather than General Insurance Corporation said,            clue as to what hidden vulnerabilities
                                                                                       exist in a company's IT set-up - soft-
increase as there have                     reinsurance rates would                     ware, websites, network, data cen-
                                                                                       tres and processes.
been no major catastro-                                   remain soft this year as
phes and falling global re-                               the last year had been       Further, insurers also need to take
insurance rates globally. It                              benign in terms of major     into account that one lives in the days
is also due to overcapacity                               catastrophes globally. This  of internet-linked business ecosys-
in terms of capital in the                                could lead to a decline in   tems which include multiple partners
market, according to industry experts.     rates when the reinsurance contracts        and suppliers of various sorts, apart
This is despite India recording high eco-  for Indian general insurers come up for     from outsourced software develop-
nomic losses due to the Chennai floods,    renewals in April.                          ment. Smaller, less prepared, less
which had a Rs. 3,000-crore impact on                                                  equipped members of ecosystems
the general insurance industry.            G. Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing        offer hackers an easier route to
                                           Director of New India Assurance also        sneak into the systems of big firms.
According to Aon Benfield, leading         said that he does not anticipate a hard-    Attackers are remotely located, face
treaty reinsurance broker, for 2015        ening in reinsurance rates despite high     no direct or immediate physical
global reinsurance capacity was about      catastrophe losses in the Indian mar-       threat and are unafraid to take risks.
$565 billion, with alternative capital     ket. This is due to the fall in re-insur-
making up about 12 per.                    ance rates globally.

                                           The Insurance Times, March 2016 5
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