Page 10 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 10

LIC of India


Net profit of LIC rose                     'Jeevan Labh'- Risk covered for whole term

10.4% amounting to Rs                      LIC will soon offer to the public a lim-  The maximum age at maturity is 75
                                           ited-premium, non-linked and with-        years, said Shaji M Shankar, Senior Di-
36,087 crore                               profit endowment assurance
                                           plan 'Jeevan Labh'. The high-                        visional Manager, LIC,
A whopping 25% rally in the equity         light of the plan is that pre-                       Thiruvananthapuram Divi-
                      markets boosted      mium is payable for a limited                        sion. The plan is suitable for
                      the net profit of    period while risk is covered                         those who want premium
                      Life Insurance Cor-  for the whole policy term.                           commitment for a short du-
                      poration (LIC) by    The plan is available from ages 8 to 59              ration while life coverage and
                      10.4% in fiscal      years with a choice of policy term of     benefits are assured for a longer pe-
                      2015 at Rs 36,087    16, 21 and 25 years and premium-pay-      riod.
                                           ing terms of 10,15 and 16 years re-
crore. As per the LIC Act, the corpo-      spectively.                               Minimum basic sum assured is Rs. 2
ration has to distribute 95% of its                                                  lakh with maximum basic sum assured
profits with the policy holders, and                                                 having no limit, Shankar added.
accordingly the financial powerhouse
paid Rs 34,283 crore to its millions       LIC devotes Rs. 53,000 cr in domestic equities
of policy holders in the year, while
the remaining 5% worth Rs 1,804.35         LIC has invested Rs 53,000 crore in       Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)
crore was paid to its owner, the gov-      domestic equity markets so far in 2015-   have pulled out their investments from
ernment.                                   16. In the last financial year, the pub-  India and other emerging markets.
                                           lic sector insurance giant
LIC wants separate tax                     pumped in Rs 39,000 crore                                That has brought down
                                           in stocks, chairman SK Roy                               valuations of several
exemption limit                            said.                                                    stocks, particularly in the
                                                                                                    large-cap space.
The Life Insurance Council, an asso-
ciation of                                 "Much of the year, capital                               Many analysts say that
life insurers,                             markets have been down.                                  this is a good time to buy
has asked                                  This has given us an opportu-                            equity as the pullout by
the Finance                                nity to be net buyers… We                                FIIs is only due to the glo-
Ministry to                                have been focusing on buying                             bal uncertainties and
carve out                                  available stocks, and have crossed Rs     slump in crude oil, while India's funda-
separate tax exemption limits for life     53,000 crore as far as our equity pur-    mentals remain strong. LIC has been
insurance and pension policies. It         chases are concerned," Roy said.          "fairly active" in IT, pharmaceuticals
wants a separate tax exemption                                                       and FMCG space, in the last two
limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh for premiums to      LIC's income on investments so far in     months, Roy added. It has also been
help attract more flows into life in-      2015-16 is Rs 10,000 crore. Since the     picking up bonds of public sector banks,
surance policies.                          end of March 2015, the benchmark          despite their rising non-performing as-
                                           BSE Sensex has declined 11.20%, as        sets, or bad loans.

10 The Insurance Times, March 2016
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