Page 12 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 12

Health Insurance


Healthcare player Vipul                    Private health insurers offer a choice of hospital

Group launches H3U                         For the first time Private health insur- Over the years, group mediclaim costs

Launching first of its kind healthcare     ance companies are offering a choice have been rising for employers in this
platform, Vipul Group has launched
H3U, an Online Healthcare Platform         of restricted network of hospitals un- fast growing segment. Insurers are ex-
in India that promises to connect and
unite patients and healthcare pro-         der group mediclaim                      pecting the sector grow

                           fessionals,     policies that will reduce                at 12%-15% on a year-
                           bringing forth
                           timely access,  the cost of premium by                   on-year basis, and in the
                           resource opti-
                           mization, and   5-20%, a move that will                  overall Rs. 22,000-crore
informed choices, under one um-
brella.                                    come as a relief to firms                health insurance indus-

Launched by Mr. Vitthal Beriwala,          that have been com-                      try, group health com-
Director, H3U & Director, Vipul
Group, the platform has already            plaining of rising premiums.             prise about Rs. 10,000 crore - Rs.
partnered with 10,000 providers
spread over 500 locations. Speaking        "Three companies in information tech-    12,000 crore. The industry has been
on the occasion, Mr. Beriwala said,        nology, manufacturing, real estate and   seeing claims outstripping premium
"The platform will link up those in        construction have opted for the re-      over the past several years.
need with those who could assist,
anytime and anywhere, by which             stricted network hospitals scheme that "Today, hospitals are not graded by way
precious time is optimized for all
parties, and the benefits of early ac-     has helped them to reduce their health of cost, service or quality. If there's an
cess to care is realized and that too
on a single platform. After Skill India,   costs. We are looking to offer 5-20% independent body grading hospitals, it
Digital India, Swacch India, it is now
time to get a Swasth India."               discount to companies opting for re- will make it easier for insurers to offer

Mr. Dhruv Kaushik, Vice President,         stricted network of hospitals." said restricted network of hospitals." said
H3U added, "The website,, is already live with          Sanjay Datta, head of underwriting Shreeraj Deshpande, head of health, Fu-
initial set of services; would be fully
integrated with all products and ser-      ICICI Lombard.                           ture Generali General Insurance.
vices within a month's time."
                                           Elders more concern about Health: Max Bupa survey

                                           Insurance uptake is high among older     health insurance policy. Of the total
                                           people, says a survey by Max Bupa        1300 plus Indian respondents between
                                           Health Insurance. The "Walk for          age group of 22 to 60 years, 71 per
                                           Health" survey to understand
                                           the perception of health,                         cent of them currently own
                                           health insurance and correla-                     health insurance. Jaipur tops
                                           tion between the two; among                       with the list with 87 per cent
                                           walkers and non walkers,                          having health policy, while
                                           shows that young India (22-26                     Mumbai only has 66 per cent
                                           years) is least insured. The survey               having a health cover. How-
                                           showed that 72 per cent of those in age  ever, young India (people under 30
                                           group of 46-54 years while 68 per cent   years) continues to be the least insured,
                                           of those in 55-60 years bracket own a    with almost 50 per cent of young India
                                                                                    not having any form of health insurance.

12 The Insurance Times, March 2016
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