Page 16 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 16



UK's car insurance pre-                  The FDI limit change was a game changer

mium rates set to rise                   In February 2015, when the Insurance      they felt that Indian management con-
                                         Laws (Amendment) Act was passed,          trol could be a dampener - with a
According to a new report by             the cap on foreign ownership of Indian    higher stake, the foreigners were
Timetric,                                insurers was raised from 26 per cent      bound to ask for more.
the private                              to 49 per cent. It was widely believed
motor insur-                             that it would open the sluice gates for   At least 12 insurance companies have
ance market                              foreign investment in the capi-           sent their applications to the Foreign
has seen                                 tal-starved sector. However, a
premium rate increases throughout        new term in the rule book,                        Investment Promotion Board
2015, and the upward trend in car        "Indian management con-                           (FIPB) to increase the stake
insurance prices is forecast to con-     trol", began to haunt the in-                     held by their foreign partners.
tinue into 2016.                         dustry.
                                                                                           In December 2015, AXA in-
Higher car insurance premiums, to-       The FDI limit change was                          creased its stake in Bharti AXA
gether with the high cost of claims,     meant to be a game changer.                       Life Insurance and Bharti AXA
are expected to lead to a recovery       But doubts persisted over                         General Insurance to 49 per
in premium volumes from 2015 on-         control and Indian management. Some               cent after receiving approvals
wards. Motor insurance gross writ-       interpreted it as no foreigner would be           from FIPB and the Insurance
ten premiums declined by 10.6% in        allowed to be a part of an insurer's top  Regulatory and Development Author-
2013, further dropping by 2.1% to        management, while others saw it cur-      ity of India (IRDAI).
GBP 8.2 billion in 2014. The decline     tailing their voting rights.
was due to growing competition and                                                 Amitabh Chaudhry, MD & CEO of HDFC
the government's measures to com-        Several estimates of FDI inflows, rang-   Life, says clarity from the regulator on
bat false or exaggerated whiplash        ing from Rs 20,000 crore to Rs 30,000     Indian management control has
claims, which led to a significant drop  crore, were aired, yet analysts were      helped insurance companies, and now
in premium rates.                        reluctant to provide timelines, because   more of them are going to FIPB for
                                                                                   approval of a higher foreign stake.
Looking forward, the category is ex-
pected to remain stable, registering     GIC plans to increase global premium
a CAGR of 1.1% and reaching GBP
8.9 billion in the next five years.      GIC Re plans to increase its global premium by operating in more geographies
Strong competition and the rise of                              and increasing capacities over select lines of business, a top
aggregators, as well as regulatory                              company official said. "Our operations in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur
pressure to lower premiums, is ex-                              and London are poised to grow in business and profits. In
pected to restrict price increases in                           India, we are prepared for the new brand of competition that
the category.                                                   would develop, as reinsurers would set up new branches and
                                                                Lloyd's market would start operating from next financial

                                         year," said GIC Re acting Chairman and Managing Director Sanath Kumar. The
                                         domestic market will soon see major reinsurers starting their business once IRDAI
                                         finalises relevant regulations, he said.

16 The Insurance Times, March 2016
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