Page 18 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 18

Tapping into the potential of the UAE's life insurance                                  Valuation started well
                                                                                        before the FDI imposed
A rising number of expatriates and an       this growth. he UAE's life insurance
improving economy are contributing to       segment has the highest insurance           in insurers
the strong performance of the UAE's         penetration rate in the Gulf Coopera-
life insurance segment, which is set to     tion Council (GCC) region, at 0.62% in      In anticipation of the policy changes
witness improved growth in the next         2014.                                       regarding the
four years, according to a                                                              FDI, the valua-
report by Timetric's Insur-                                 The UAE's economy re-       tion process in
ance Intelligence Center.                                   corded substantial          the insurance
                                                            growth, with GDP in-        sector was set
The life segment's gross                                    creasing from AED1.2 tril-  off much before the new policy was
written premium grew                                        lion (US$314.5 billion) in  announced. In December 2014,
from AED3.8 billion                                         2010 to AED1.4 trillion     Housing Development Finance Cor-
(US$1.0 billion) to AED7.5 billion          (US$369.8 billion) in 2014, at a CAGR       poration had said the Azim Premji
(US$2.0 billion) over the last five years,  of 4.1%. At the same time, the              Trust would buy a 0.95 per cent stake
at a review-period CAGR of 18.7%. The       country's unemployment rate de-             in its life insurance venture, HDFC
segment is anticipated to grow at an        creased from 4.0% in 2010 to 3.8%.          Life, for Rs 198.9 crore. The deal
annual rate of 10.8% p.a. up to 2019.       These positive economic trends are ex-      valued HDFC Life at Rs 19,890 crore.
The UAE's growing expatriate popula-        pected to translate into higher in-
tion, positive economic outlook and         comes and this should encourage             In October, ICICI Bank said it would
adoption of new solvency standards are      greater using of saving related prod-       sell a 9 per cent stake in ICICI
expected to be the main drivers behind      ucts such as life insurance.                Lombard General Insurance to
                                                                                        Fairfax Financial for Rs 1,550 crore.
The Islamic Banking & Investment Asia/Middle East                                       The deal valued the company at Rs
                                                                                        17,225 crore, making it the most
Congress 2016 in April                                                                  valued private general insurer.

The Islamic Banking & Investment            of this funding while posing an enor-       In November, ICICI Bank announced
Asia/Middle East Congress 2016 will         mous challenge also presents an excit-      it would sell a 6 per cent stake in
take place on the 5th & 6th of April        ing opportunity - specifically for Islamic  ICICI Prudential Life Insurance to
2016 at Singapore, under the theme          finance.                                    Premji Invest and its affiliates, and
"Responding to Headwinds & Refresh-                                                     Compassvale Investments Pte, a unit
ing the Vision for Islamic                  The recent establishment of the Asian       of the Singapore-based Temasek, for
Finance", and will be                                       Infrastructure Invest-      Rs 1,950 crore. The deal values the
held under the auspices                                     ment Bank (AIIB) pro-       life insurance company at Rs 32,500
of H.H. Sheikh Salman                                       vides new impetus to        crore, making it the highest valued
bin Khalifa Al Khalifa,                                     tapping into the growing    private insurance company.
Special Envoy - Kingdom of Bahrain                          pool of Islamic investors
and Patron of the Islamic Banking & In-                                                 At a time when insurance penetra-
vestment Asia/Middle East Congress          across the Middle East and Asia as the      tion is low, IRDAI is of the view that
2016.                                       AIIB seeks to strengthen collaboration      FDI will enable more funds into the
                                            with the Islamic Development Bank           sector, thereby improving penetra-
It features a fresh new approach on         (IDB) on the use of Sukuk to contrib-       tion.
how industry leaders can engage with        ute to the financing of these large-
the key issues impacting the future of      scale infrastructure projects.              The additional funds brought in by
Islamic finance. Experts have projected                                                 foreign joint venture partners will be
that an estimated US$ 60bn per year         The Asian Development Bank (ADB)            used by insurers not only to expand
will be required until 2022 to meet the     has already been working with the IDB       presence across the country, but also
basic infrastructure needs across           to provide Islamic infrastructure financ-   for digital initiatives to make the
ASEAN member states alone. The scale        ing solutions and these new develop-        process of buying and selling insur-
                                            ments are projected to significantly        ance more efficient and easier.
                                            spur new growth in the industry.

18 The Insurance Times, March 2016
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