Page 21 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
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dents who stood first in different examinations. It is cor- insurance companies, IT, Bank and Consultancies who
rect that not many aspirants take up insurance as a ca- picked up our students for different roles.
Some of the companies have instituted annual awards for
However, once they join they are extremely enthusiastic some students in recognition of the role of the Institution
on account of wide range of opportunities and foreign coming to the high point.
assignments. We are endorsed by several high profile com-
panies in insurance, banking, IT and Consultancies. How- I must acknowledge the contribution of my colleagues like
ever, we are always on the path to set higher benchmark Shri K.C Sethi, Shri O.P Gupta and Mr. S.P Wadhawan who
which time will show. have since left and others with us. I initiated a campaign
on human values inspired by the dedicated commitment of
Dr.Chattoraj - What has been the most defining our Chairperson Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan in setting up
moment of your life? NGO Foundation 'Amitasha', looking after girl child from
Prof Grover - I may have several claims to success. But weaker sections of society.
these should come from those who are associated with the Initially, it was a one day effort but soon turned into a
industry. I feel my team is highly motivated by the en- movement adopted by the university under the inspiring
dorsement we have from our alumni, top management of leadership of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President.
This has indeed been a high mark of immense satisfaction.
Healthcare main worry post-retirement
Some of the main worries about life after retirement are concern among Indians when they retire. Further, 1 in 3
healthcare costs and being able to meet expenses, finds a was not sure how to estimate health care costs during re-
study by DBS. Overall retirement wellness index in India tirement. Having to dip into savings to cover these costs
was at 69 points, with health having a slightly stronger im- was also a cause of worry. Respondents were also unsure of
pact than social and financial aspects on successful retire- which type of insurance to buy to be able to cover healthcare
ment. Across the three aspects, Indians are more prepared and medical expenses.
on the health aspect.
Those from Hyderabad and Delhi were the most confident
Among the six cities in the study, respondents from Delhi (78 points each) in terms of being prepared for health re-
were most prepared for retirement (75 points), while those lated issues. But respondents from Kolkata (64) and Chennai
from Kolkata were the least prepared (58 points). In terms (70) were the least prepared.
of gender, women showed higher levels of preparedness
(72 points) versus men (66 points), while those in the higher Retirement ready
age group of 50-60 years did better, though marginally, than
the 40-49 years group. Among those who participated in the study, the average
age at which they started to plan for retirement was 40
The survey was conducted using quantitative online inter- years. And to build a corpus, they set aside 26% of their
views during the 7-24 November 2015 period. The sample monthly income to prepare for retirement at 61 years of
size was 1,004-with 538 men and 466 women; 642 respon- age.
dents in the 40-49 years age group and 362 in the 50-60
years age group, from Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Confidence levels were high but actual preparedness did
Hyderabad and Kolkata. not meet the same levels. More than 70% participants said
they were confident of their ability to pursue a comfortable
Those with personal income of over Rs.1 lakh or assets un- retirement while another 62% are confident of ensuring
der management of Rs.30 lakh were considered affluent; that their savings and investments are able to cover them
322 respondents were from this category and 682 were fully during retirement. But the estimates about how much
from the mass or emerging affluent category. would be needed per month after retirement seems to be
on the lower side. (Source: Mint)
The ability to afford their medical cost emerged as the top
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