Page 56 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 56

Operating Cash Flow                          Poll          Will the Crop Insurance policy launched by the
Measures the funds generated from in-                         government, help the needy farmers in the
surance operations, which includes the            Yes                                  long run?
change in cash and invested assets at-             No
tributed to underwriting activities, net       Can’t say     Results of Poll in our February 2016 Issue
investment income and federal income
taxes. This measure excludes stock-                        Do you think after the devastating flood affect-
holder dividends, capital contributions,                     ing South India, the insurers and regulatory
unrealized capital gains/losses and vari-                   bodies will come up with more products and
ous noninsurance related transactions                                                 services?
with affiliates. This test measures a
company's ability to meet current obli-      You may send your views to :                                 Yes         100
gations through the internal generation                                                                    No          00
of funds from insurance operations.          Poll Contest, The Insurance Times                   Can’t say             00
Negative balances might indicate unprof-
itable underwriting results or low yield-    25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007
ing assets.                                  Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 40078428
                                             Fax: 033-22736612, Email:
Overall Liquidity Ratio
Total admitted assets divided by total       Technology to be revamped in the insurance industry
liabilities less conditional reserves. This
ratio indicates a company's ability to       The insurance sector should gear to match the current requirements of e-
cover net liabilities with total assets.     commerce and digital solutions, said T.S. Vijayan, Chairman IRDAI.
This ratio doesn't address the quality and
marketability of premium balances, af-       Speaking at the formal launch of the e-Vahana Bima, electronic motor-insur-
filiated investments and other uninvested    ance policies, Vijayan said there was need for better recourse to digital solu-
assets.                                      tions available in insurance industry.

                                             The success of low-cost (premium) life and accident insurance policies launched
                                             by the Centre last year was an example of innovative schemes in insurance,
                                             he said. The Common Service Centres (CSC), which are selling low-cost insur-
                                             ance policies, and insurance repositories should be used more by the industry
                                             and people, he added.

                                             Under the e-Vahan Bima, electronic motor insurance policies are issued in
                                             digital form with Quick Response (QR) code. As these policies can be stored
                                             and accessed on smart phones, the process of verification will be easier for
                                             commuters as well as the police.


                MONTH OF JANUARY, 2016 (Rs in crores) NON LIFE INSURERS

INSURERS        JANUARY                       Growth of    CUMULATIVE                                 % of Growth
                                             January 2015      UPTO                              Upto January 2016

                                                  over       JANUARY                                over the period
                                             January 2015                                        Upto January `2015

                2015-16 2014-15                            2015-16 2014-15

Private Sector  3754.92 3185.02              17.9%         32382.05 28815.37                                   12.4%

Public Sector   4162.46 3729.14              11.6%         39139.47 34951.91                                   12.0%

Stand-alone Health 485.11  380.68            27.4%         3131.19 2212.52                                     41.5%

Specialised     438.40     265.67            65.0%         4065.77 3216.20                                     26.4%

Grand Total     8840.89 7560.51              16.9%         78718.48 69196.00                                   13.8%

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